A Newbie's prespective of ProgPower

Hey John it was great meeting you and all the other wonderful people this year. This was my first ProgPower as well and it definitely won't be my last! Definitely the best concert experience I've had in a long time - friendly people, great venue, excellent music! :headbang:

Is it just me, or were there an awful lot of people from Texas at the fest? We're everywhere!
HAIL DREW!!!!! It was awesome meeting you, hope we can work together on a project soon. Yes i think Texas people are going to take over ProgPower USA. I just had a thought, you know it may be due to the fact of some excellent progressive metal bands from texas that this is happening, you know those bands OUTWORLD, STRIDE, MEYVN.

ProgPower RULES!

you are the best babe... can't wait to see you again and i will be talking to you real soon... you have my number.

Pyramaze51 said:
Opps, damn there were so many people i was bound to miss someone special Sorry Angela, you my friend are awesome and it was so much fun hanging with you and talking, and LINDA(rottingflesh) you also i could never forget you, your so kick-ass. love ya both.

All I can say is right back at ya :) Had a blast beyond words! It just goes to show that this isn't just a kick ass festival it is a way of life. Well put...I look forward to this every year and people like you and the music make it all worth while. You are truely a rare and genuine person. The whole weekend was awesome but i swear I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as i did watching Rachel push you around in that wheelchair :) Hats off to you brother...you rule \m/ \m/ :headbang:

Perpet said:

All I can say is right back at ya :) Had a blast beyond words! It just goes to show that this isn't just a kick ass festival it is a way of life. Well put...I look forward to this every year and people like you and the music make it all worth while. You are truely a rare and genuine person. The whole weekend was awesome but i swear I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as i did watching Rachel push you around in that wheelchair :) Hats off to you brother...you rule \m/ \m/ :headbang:

You my brother are one of a kind, and i feel honored to have you call me friend and i will always value your friiendship. Meeting you and your wonderful wife WAS the highlight of Progpower for me. As i have said no mattr how bad my feet hurt those two days or how tired i was there you and your wife were with a smile a hug a handshake and all the problems went away. Thank you so much, your one of a kind Todd.

Awwww :D Group Hug!!! (for those of you who automatically thought Group Sex... go get a room! bahahah)

I'm about ready to go get weepy for a few... miss you so much already! I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Thank you!
Meeting and speaking with John was one of the many highlights of my weekend. After talking to a good number of you all in the chat room for the last few months it was WONDERFUL to have a chance to actually speak to you face to face. Next year won't come soon enough :( haha. All hail PROGPOWER!!!
13ShadesofGray said:
Awwww :D Group Hug!!! (for those of you who automatically thought Group Sex... go get a room! bahahah)

I'm about ready to go get weepy for a few... miss you so much already! I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Thank you!
I know the feeling, i miss you and Todd and Gonzo and Rachel, and Metal and ll the others so much. Everytime i think of you guys i get a big smile and God the memories, memories to be cherished for a life time.

I have to say to everyone who has posted on this thread, I love each and everyone of you, and i miss you all so much, next year is going to be as awesome if not more so than this year, i make you all a promise i will not work as hard next year as i did this year and i will spend more time with you guys.:headbang: