A paper im writing [for the drunkards]

Dec 27, 2004
Alcohol, for some, is a means to block out the world, to hide away from all the ills and sicknesses that infest their mundane lives. For others, however, alcohol is a means to take in the world; to sip on a spirit is to open your eyes to the wonders around you. Liquor is the lubrication of the senses, this is its pride but also its downfall. The feeling between friends as they share a pint of beer, or a dram of there favorite spirit, is immeasurable.


The closest of friends become closer still with each sip of their drink, not because of intoxication, but of a camaraderie. If a bottle is placed between two friends, there banter is likely to reach a lively crescendo far before there sober neighbors, delving into the deepest of arguments, and the most loving of appreciations. There is a darker side to this of course, and for those weak of heart alcohol is not something to be tampered with. If a man has demons within, these demons emerge through alcohol. Instead of jovial laughter shared amongst friend, bonds are broken and hearts are torn apart.


Of course its the first pre-before first prepreprpe draft etc. but im enjoying writing it.
i love that quote

i think people label people as aclhoholics way to readily. I think somone should only be called an alchoholic if it harms other people, or themselves, not solely based on how much they drink.

All I can realy add to this thread is that fact that I have as yet experienced no greater mortal pleasure than listening to thrash metal while pissing up on beer. It is a most holy of rituals.

Décadent said:
All I can realy add to this thread is that fact that I have as yet experienced no greater mortal pleasure than listening to thrash metal while pissing up on beer. It is a most holy of rituals.

I agree with this 2893472%, in fact when i go drink at a friends house or somthing (all my friends are like gangster wanabe's etc) i bring headphones cuz i always wanna listen to thrash metal terror well wasted.

and lizard, hahaa, that rules. And yep I also think that labels are stupid because of the obvious differences in the effects of alchohal on certain people. There are some out there who might be likend to stoners...maybe drink a lot more then the average person, but they arn't harming any people, they are just enjoying themselves, know there limits, etc etc. And enjoy alchohal a lot! =)
The actual definition of alchoholism sums it up very well for me actually
al·co·hol·ism Audio pronunciation of "alcoholism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lk-hô-lzm, -h-)

A disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. Also called alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence.

i believe thats a good definition of alcoholic
My girlfriend's entire family (dad, brother, sister) are alcoholics, and with all the shit she's been through with them its pretty much a miracle she isn't too! :kickass:
Alcohol does different things to different people, thankfully all of my friends just get philosophic and/or giddy. Oh my one friend loves to punch/kick/whatever me when he's drunk but it's all in good fun because I just kick his ass in return. He drinks a lot and sometimes gets a bit out of control (with hard liquor) and we've had to hide bottles from him some nights, even while we're hosed. Hmm.
Nad, you freegin love the word UNRULY these days, haha.

unruly = UNRULY
It's from an old Conan skit from like 8 years ago, I don't know why but it recently popped into my head again and I' [EDIT: I LOVE FORGETTING TO FINISH A SENTENCE]ve been overusing the term ever since.

They did a commercial for the perfume called Unruly, and it showed Oldie, naked, pouring this huge bottle of perfume over his head and yelling "I AM UNRUUUUULLYYY!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAAHHAhahahahhaahahahhhhaha..." Good stuff. :tickled:
One Inch Man said:
They did a commercial for the perfume called Unruly, and it showed Oldie, naked, pouring this huge bottle of perfume over his head and yelling "I AM UNRUUUUULLYYY!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAAHHAhahahahhaahahahhhhaha..." Good stuff. :tickled:

One Inch Man said:
They did a commercial for the perfume called Unruly, and it showed Oldie, naked, pouring this huge bottle of perfume over his head and yelling "I AM UNRUUUUULLYYY!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAAHHAhahahahhaahahahhhhaha..." Good stuff. :tickled:

:lol: holy shit, that's fucking awesome!