A problem that needs to be addressed


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
Swingers – Also known as kung fu-ers and ‘those David Lee Roth fuckers’. These people truly deserve a bitter, painful death at the hands of a crazed man with a dildo. These assholes are the ones who go to concerts and when they get into a mosh pit, they fucking jump right into the middle of it and start swinging their arms and legs around like they just came back from special ed kung fu. They call this having a good time at a concert, yet it effectively ruins the concert for everyone else. Now some may ask “But Ryan, these guys are just there to do their thing while listening to some good music, I mean, they did pay for it didn’t they?” Yes, but so did everyone else. The fact is, is that when there’s a really good pit going, three or four of these cunts have to satiate their fantasy of being Bruce Lee by jumping in the center of things.
Problem One: They take up the entire pit because sadly enough, they don’t have the sense to stay in one place. Therefore the current mosh is halted and everyone has to watch their pit being hogged by three assholes with bandannas over their face swinging their arms like demented gorillas.
Problem Two: Their form of ‘dancing’ is dangerous to the rest of the people. I did not pay fifteen bucks to go into a mosh pit to have some moron give me a black eye, I came to mosh and listen to the band which brings me to
Problem Three: I came to see the BAND, not these idiots, yet when they start to convulse, you are forced to watch them to make sure that you aren’t in the path of their swinging. How are you able to enjoy yourself when you’re trying to avoid a flying foot to the kidneys?
Problem Four: Moshers came for the PIT. If they wanted these idiots, they would section off an area for them to offhandedly pummel each other in. In fact, I have a great place: Right inside the wolverines’ cage at the local Zoo. Let’s see them fucking swing there.
its a hardcore thing, and its fucking retarded. hardcore in general needs to be wiped off the face of the earth for its simplistic music, gang mentallity, and "hardcore dancing"
*glares* I nearly got a bloody nose, got a big fat guy's foot square in my face. it should all DIE. :puke: :Shedevil:
Alex! Good to see you finally got onto Ultimate Metal!

I ask everyone to kill these idiots or at least maim them and feed them to the lions.
feed them to me, i'll tie them down and ...*cough* perhaps it would be best to leave the explaining to my icon
I've only ever seen these guys on dvds, but if you watch the lamb of god DVD "Terror and Hubris" in the middle of Black Label Randy gets em all to split apart and run at each other like braveheart, its hilarious. that and the blair shit project, check it out.
Never been to a moshpit, but...moshing ruins a concert? If you stay still and just bang your head a little, how does that ruin a concert?
yeah moshers can be annoying sometimes, I'm always at the front headbanging when its a good concert. And getting a bunch of assholes elbows in my back when I'm getting into a band is kinda annoying
I've come away from gigs with many black eyes and split lips thanks to these fucking arseholes, and i dont even enjoy pitting...i like to hunch over and headbang like fuck. If they piss you off grab them and smack the shit out of them, i think you'll find most of them are complete pussies and arnt expecting anybody to hit them back (well thats my experience anyway). I've heard stories about those 'hardcore' wankers putting people in hospital.... :erk:
Jinn said:
Problem Two: Their form of ‘dancing’ is dangerous to the rest of the people. I did not pay fifteen bucks to go into a mosh pit to have some moron give me a black eye, I came to mosh and listen to the band which brings me to

What did you go for? Broken Ribs? bruises? scars all over you body? Kid, it's a fucking moshpit, do you think you can waltz into a moshpit without getting a black eye or some other light injury at least?

Jinn said:
Problem Three: I came to see the BAND, not these idiots, yet when they start to convulse, you are forced to watch them to make sure that you aren’t in the path of their swinging. How are you able to enjoy yourself when you’re trying to avoid a flying foot to the kidneys?

Or you can see who's behind you and if you're not at the edge of the pit. If you're in front of someone who's watching the pit they already got your back and you can enjoy the show.

Jinn said:
Problem Four: Moshers came for the PIT. If they wanted these idiots, they would section off an area for them to offhandedly pummel each other in. In fact, I have a great place: Right inside the wolverines’ cage at the local Zoo. Let’s see them fucking swing there.

wannabe kung-fuers, and windmill imitators mosh in their own way, if you don't like it, don't mosh. Besides didn't you say you came for the band? not the pit?

Pits will always have idiots. Most of the time people in the pits are a bit drunk to begin with. At least at shows I've been too. Expect these things in mosh pits, or don't mosh. Don't cry about it either. Moshing isn't everything at shows. I prefer to have a good time, and get out. Even if the band is mediocre i'll shell out a couple bucks to see them live just to hang out with other metalheads and kick back to kick-ass music.
1. Hey, don't get me wrong, I go there and expect injuries. I always come out of a concert with at least two places where I'm bleeding. My motto about concerts is if you don't leave bleeding, you didn't have fun.

2. I'm usually at the edge of the pit because a swinger usually breaks up the current pit and forces everyone to back off. Therefore, I am on the edge of the damn pit most of the time.

3. Mmm, so swingers are 'moshing'?

mosh ( P ) Pronunciation Key (msh)
v. moshed, mosh·ing, mosh·es
v. intr.
To knock against others intentionally while dancing at a rock concert; slam-dance.

Now, unless you're an idiot or you are fond of pain, you back the fuck off when some idiot in a bandanna starts swinging his arms arounds while roundhousing his legs. The point of Moshing is to MOSH, not to swing your fucking limbs around to achieve some sublime erotic fantasy to emulate kung fu. As seen in the definition above, Moshing is defined as a pushing and slamming of bodies, not a swinging of the limbs, so therefore, we are forced to conclude that these people are NOT MOSHING.

Hell, I go in and headbang like the next guy in line, but I also mosh. It's a damn fun thing to do and takes away my stress.
I know pits are always going to have idiots. Last time I was in one, some asshole got the shit beaten out of him.
Hell, I love just kicking back with the local metalheads, but I also love moshing. When these people interrupt everyone else's mosh, there becomes a problem. Now if these people started swinging in the wolverine cages in the Zoo, I would have no problem whatsoever.
Damn straight. I remember once, when I was in a mosh pit, I became concussed, but that was a mosh pit. When I'm in the pit, and this kung-fu dudes start with the swingin and the kickin, and I get a fucking foot in my face, that's not cool. I'm all for pain, but you have to differinciate mosh pain, and dumb pain. I don't think that Shadow of Death doesn't quite understand what we're talking about. >.> perhaps a picture... RYAAN! To the Archive!!! <.<
dumb fucks like that should be beat down FAST in pit.

I dont' go into pits because I am small, and stay away from them. I have watched these idiots get into pits and do this "hardcore dance" shit..usually the kill the pit.

Because of how many problems they cause, some places have banned that sort of thing, and will throw you out for it. When I was seeing a show in San Fran at Slim's, right before the first opening act(which was a local hardcore type band made up of 17 year olds..not a half bad band really), the security made it clear on the PA that if you started doing the windmill thing, they would throw you out without a second thought.
They made it clear-no punches.
The vocalist asked to see some "hardcore kicks"..and all the metalheads stood aside to watch them. The next band was a local death/black act, and for some reason, without all the punching, the hardcore types vanished when the big burly metalheads got into the pit....
i dont really care for the pit, but after one died down this little hardcore bitch ran up and punched me in the ribs (there were only ~4 people walking in the pit). i leveled his ass so fucking fast and hard. damn little bitch.

i fucking hate those kung fu mother fuckers