A question about "Jhva Elohim Meth." Blakkheim please respond.

I thought I was blind or sth because I couldn't find search button.... now I read that they removed it.... that sucks ass totally! Why did they remove it? Someone was searching for porn stuff or shit like that here? :loco:
Aaron A. said:
I was almost positive that it meant what it does. I posted this thread for burton, so I could get a precise answer. Don't hate on me, veterans. I'll look through the pages next time.

Yes, make me look like the noob. Oh well, you were slightly wrong anyways. :Spin:
burton said:
Yes, make me look like the noob. Oh well, you were slightly wrong anyways. :Spin:
I was not making you look like the noob. It's true that I posted this thread to get an answer for you, though. And I was not slightly wrong. I did not say that Elohim didn't mean God. I just said that Jhva Elohim Meth meant God Is Dead.

I love you, so quiet, bitch.
Deliverance6 said:
thats true that UM has been running much smother in the last while.....but how many people are doing searches at the same time.....?....i cant be sure thats the reason.......but I would love to have the search option again......
It would certainly make things easier, having the search option again. Why was it disabled, anyway?
Too many users were searching and the forums would slow down, so they removed the feature. There's a new beta version of the forum software and the plan (apparently) is to install it, as it's supposed to be capable of handling many searches. Not sure when that new version is supposed to be installed, but it was announced a while ago that it'd happen.