Quick question for a swede

We realize this deepinmisery. That is why I wrote about the purpose of the thread.
It was on the mouth with tongue and even a little ass grab Varg, yes a regret the next morning, but the crowd loved it. Fond memories of my drunken days(HAHA) thats one of the reasons I dont drink or do drugs anymore---Ebarassing myself all the time.
As for the political system, I am uneducated on the subject. I purposely hear and see as little as possible about it. The whole thing is corrupt and I dont care to try and change it. The more I know the less I want to live here. I think that you all living outside the U.S. know more that many of us here. Many of us dont care, our needs are met and untill something directly affects us we are happy enough. Gas costs 2$ a gallon, Cigarettes cost 5$ a pack where I live. Its fucked!
Deliverance, hahaha! Nice! :D
That's cool...

Bah man, you gotta drink ;)

Okay... That doesn't sound too good. Glad to hear that not every american is a proud patriot, hehe :)
Usually hate patriots by the way...
Damn, that's expensive!
zeroMaximum said:
Varg-, I really think that they like to "hang out", even though they make depressing music. it's the same thing when you were complaining about Mattias smiling on stage, just because they make depressing music it doesn't mean theyre always depressed and melancholic.

I couldn't agree more
so, well... hmmm, have seen a lot of crazy, funny going-mad-with-my-friend-the-booze stuff so far but your confessions made me a bit perplexed. o.k. maybe i'm taking too serious the cliche about being masculine in general.. eeeh, oh, nevermind, i'm too old for this i guess, heh. i wouldn't mind watching suchlike kidding though.. you're kidding, aren't you?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god! Never seen anything like this before? :) And what do you mean, the drunk homo-kissing or my uniform? :D
Stop pretending to old! Go for it!
And yes, by this uniform, I'm kidding... it's from a mascerade. But it was better live though... with the whip and everything.

The chicks got scared though... fuck.
But sure I got my "piece of the cookie" as we say in Sweden... :)
Since this is a discussion about my appearance, I have to show you a normal picture of myself. Don't want to be seen like fag you know :)
From the winter:

HAHAHA. This is great!
No Im not kidding, I used to be a little crazy when I was on stage. It was just for fun and for shock value. It was just a stage thing, not a curiosity thing. That was like 8 years ago anyway, Ive grown up alot since then. I was kind of a GG allin of sorts back then, the crazier the better, bleeding on stage and stuff. If you dont know who GG allin is look him up on the net, I used to hang out with his friends after he died.
Anyway, I am far from gay (almost married) but If it would shock I would do it back then, I didnt care. Thats as far as it ever went though, like I said earlier I never buried myself in a mans hairy ass or anything.
I guess I would kiss Varg if he was drunk and we were on stage 8 years ago and you were watching Drynwhie.(HAHA) :grin:
o.k. i'd better stop before you collapse with laghter or something.
and of course i've meant the homo-kissing session, the clothes and style is kinda funny, it was pretty obvious it's from a masquerade. have you had a special acting plan for your "character"? :tickled:
no, seriously, i dont' think there's still something that can impress or scare me in a way during this or another freaky party night, but it's great there're people who try their best to vary the usual a bit, i found it quite amuzing.
Hahaha! Nice.
Yeah, ofcourse I had, and ofcourse I was mean!

Well, at parties in Sweden, especially when the hour is late, everybody could kiss everybody, kinda crazy and yes....drunken. Sometimes it has also led to gangbang. Hahaha! Be warned! :D
Haha! I don't think anyone has a split demo. This thread is about something else now...
And yeah, I don't think we should get into any details about the gangbang... hargh hargh! I don't want to seem like a pervert...... at least not here :)
I'm supposed to act like a depressed katatonia-fan here.
Well... hehe
poor fellow, Deliverance
Varg- could help you in no time to come to yourself with his whip he still have i'm sure.
o.k., the warning is accepted, next time i'm taking my sick fork collection when visiting Sweden.
haha! Sure, as long as the whip is in my hands :)
Okay, well if you're going to göta källare it's cool, but if you go home to ppl, and you're all drunk, and you're all alternative - then usually the kissing-party takes place, but it's no matter of rape or something like that, so don't be that scared... :P