a question about picking... again


Apr 7, 2006
osterburg, germany
Hey Chris (and everyone else who is interested),

I recognized a kind of sloppiness in my picking especially when I try to play fast runs.
The tone seems to lack precision and definition (it´s more like a brush).
“Analyzing” my picking style made obvious that my pick is not fixed enough in my right hand (it catches on the strings).
So once again i´m back for the fundamentals of picking. And of course this article written by tuck andress is an amazing help:

I know you posted already a lot about your picking technique (wrist movement, arm rotation etc).

I just want to know which picking angle do you prefer (it seems about 45 degrees) and
how fixed your pick is between your thumb and your index finger (is it possible to dislodge the pick with your other hand?) when you play fast runs -
because of the way you hold the pick (between the side index finger and the flat of the thumb, the first two index finger joints are arched and locked, the first thumb joint is bent behind (not arched) and locked in that position) it should be quite fixed?

Hope to see you soon on the road once again. It´s always one hell of a trip to watch you live especially with mr. mustaine and james on your side…:rock:
Hey causeddevil,

it seems you are on the right track, but the first thing I would recommend is to experiment with all of this info because I have seen a lot of great players pick very differently. I do believe the article you have read is a very insightful one. I play with my pick at different angles depending on how relaxed I want my wrist or the type of tone I am after. I hold my pick between my thumb and first finger semi tight ( I think with a little effort you could knock it out), but this depends on how hard I pick the strings. Of all the things you post about this is the hardest technique to teach students IMHO.

take care, Chris.