A question for Janne! and the others in CoB.

you should also play kissing the shadows
This is my dream setlist:

Needled 24/7
Hate Me!
Lake Bodom
Triple Corpse Hammerblow
Silent Night, Bodom Night
You're Better off Dead
Towards Dead End
Touch Like Angel of Death
Kissing the Shadows
Every Time I Die
They should play In the Shadows, and Towards Dead End, and since Roope is gonna tour with them again a TRIPLE SOLO BATTLE would FUCKING rule! O'yea Follow the Reaper would be nice
COB should make a poll for the fans where we can vote what songs they should play on their next tour. Many other bands did that, too. This would be something really great to hear some rare songs. Not a bad idea, isn't it? I just hope Janne reads it and thinks about it and maybe he talks about it with the other guys.
§tygian Apothegm said:
the nail is not underrated, it's just one of those songs alexi said that he shouldve trashed.

Now now, opinions aren't facts... I hate the chorus but I love everything else.

Plus I love some of the lines.

"So with this scythe, God will take your impure blood yet again
Let it flow again with my scythe (something wild!)"
they should play something from SW and come to brazil
(2 things that no one should expect because everyone knows it's NOT gonna happen )
They play Deadnightwarrior on nearly every Concert, and that's good, because it's one of their best songs!

I would love to see Bodom playing like in the far east! The eastern fans are too lame! No Crowdsufers, no moshpits, no brutal headbangers!
They should be proud of what they had in Wacken or Tuska instead of Japan!