A question for the forum... 2010

Prog and Power Grade for 2010

  • A - Excellent

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • B - Very Good

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • C - Average

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • D - Poor

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • F - Epic Fail

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters
Prog - any release by Pain of Salvation makes it a banner year for me :)
Power - new albums from Rhapsody, Blind Guardian, (I think) Helloween, and Gamma Ray make this a strong year for power metal.
I vote excellent.
I have bought six 2010 albums (which is normal for my consumption rate): Avantasia, Cathedral, Overkill, Zuill Bailey's Bach Cello Suites (Telarc release), Rhapsody, and PoS. The success rate 5 out of 6. I'll need more good albums to up that percentage but I expect upcoming albums later in the year to boost it.
I've been thrilled so far, and I had very high expectations coming into the year. Favorites include:

Avanatasia "Wicked Symphony"
Myrath "Desert Call"
Vanden Plas "Serpahic Clockwork"
Aspera "Ripples"
Haken "Aquaria"
Orphaned Land "Neverending....."
Better than the last two years, I think. Road Salt, The Seraphic Clockwork, Phlegethon, and Wanderer on the Edge of Time have all been awesome.
I went with very good so far with expectations for excellent by the end of the year - already we have had some killer releases by Vanden Plas, Royal Hunt, InnerWish, Nevermore, Jon Oliva's Pain, Section A and The Sacrificed and we still have Labyrinth, Empires Of Eden, Accept, Firewind, Iron Maiden, WatchTower, Circle II Circle and Evergrey coming up, just to name a few...
I went with very good so far with expectations for excellent by the end of the year - already we have had some killer releases by Vanden Plas, Royal Hunt, InnerWish, Nevermore, Jon Oliva's Pain, Section A and The Sacrificed and we still have Labyrinth, Empires Of Eden, Accept, Firewind, Iron Maiden, WatchTower, Circle II Circle and Evergrey coming up, just to name a few...

you can't vote for what hasn;t come out yet!! You have no idea TODAY what those albums will sound like. YOU need to vote for what has come out for the first 6 months of 2010
you can't vote for what hasn;t come out yet!! You have no idea TODAY what those albums will sound like. YOU need to vote for what has come out for the first 6 months of 2010

Bossy bossy...... I think the point is that the potential remaining this year is extremely high, and he did mention a number of releases that he enjoyed.....

And I agree fully with him. Great stuff so far, tons of potential (there.... POTENTIAL!!!!) great stuff to come.....
Do you honestly even consider this a prog or power release? It sounds like 90s alternative drivel to me.

More like 70's Zeppelin-esque blues rock meets deep south bluegrass..... Or some other such motley combination......
you can't vote for what hasn;t come out yet!! You have no idea TODAY what those albums will sound like. YOU need to vote for what has come out for the first 6 months of 2010

I did vote very good based on what has already come out, just adding in that I hope it will turn to excellent by the end of the year... :rolleyes:
A better than average year IMO, especially with great stuff from Nevermore, Vanden Plas, Division By Zero, and Aspera :headbang:
Apart from the Avantasia cd...i don't really have a go to album this year....one that can command many listens. Masterplan and Vanden Plas are decent but don't offer much new....Haken's Aquarius is the best prog cd so far this year.
Frost*'s live cds are great...and i usually hate live cds. So overall i say POOR.
To be honest, I have a lot of albums on my wishlist, but at this point haven't been able to really get enough discs to make a decision. The major ones for me this year so far have been Orphaned Land and Avantasia, and my album of the year so far isn't even prog or power, i.e. Ironbound.
I said poor. I haven't liked very many releases from established bands. Orphaned Land is one of the few I've enjoyed. New JOP, Vanden Plas, and Pain of Salvation did not do enough for me.

I like some new prog stuff, but other than one or two, its usually on the outskirts of what people would put in the progmetal genre, such as Sigh, Shaolin Death Squad and Dillinger Escape Plan.

For power, new Rhapsody does what I hoped it would. The style of music no longer blows me away, but it just fills in a spot nicely when I'm in the mood. Other than that, power metal feels dead to me. I haven't heard the new Sabaton yet though.