A question for you guys.


May 29, 2008
So I'm pretty much expecting the answer to this to be fuck off or something of that nature but here goes anyway.

Would anyone be willing to record a couple songs for me. My computer crashed and for now I'm stuck on this POS that I can't even watch youtube videos on much less record. I could send Guitar Pro files for all the parts. The band and I really want something we can play along with for practice and it'll be some time before I can record again.

I know it's not very likely since most of you have your own projects going on and/or don't give a shit but it's worth a shot.
hey man, what parts are you looking to be recorded, drums, guitars, both?

after next monday i will have some spare time, might be able to help ya

I was really looking for guitars and bass. I wouldn't want to hassle anyone for drums since it would just be for practice purposes. I'll just program them. But....if you felt like putting in the time and effort for drums I have no objections.

I greatly appreciate the offer but I understand if you end up not doing it.

It's death metal by the way. Nothing really challenging unless you're not used to playing quintuplets.
I could have helped you if it wasnt because of my computer doing the same thing! :erk:
Haha I'd do it if I had time, and If I'm skilled enough :D But I'm currently working on my own songs which I'm gonna record, and now that I have a vocalist to work with, I really need to get this thing done so he doesn't grow tired :D
Bb on 7 strings but only one of the songs uses all seven strings. It could be done on a 6er with different takes though. I'll have the tabs by Monday for anyone interested.