A question of picking!


New Metal Member
Mar 20, 2006
Hey i'm reasonably new to guitar and trying out a load of different types of music like punk, indie, and now testing myself with lead by trying some of the bodom songs.

I'm learning bed of razors at the moment, and I'd like somebody to tell me; when playing the song, is it just normal constant down picking with the plectrum or alternative picking?

I can play close to the speed it's supposed to be just with normal downwards picking, but just wondering if i'd make it easier on myself if i mastered alternative picking?

Sorry if it's a bit of a dumb question to the pro's out there, but it'd really help if i could clear my mind of this and get on with it.

alright thanks a lot dudes, i guess once ya get used to alternate picking it can be really useful. oh yeah and another unusual question, but i've read that it's not necessary to really pick or strike guitar strings so hard but actually quite gently; i have tried this and if anything the relaxation of doing it makes it easier to play. at what force do ya usually strike the string? even though that'll be hard to explain :lol:
you should hit it like it sounds best for you, everybody does it different. And everything is much easier to play when you play relaxed and with small movements
Notice that "Alternate picking" is different to "Alternative picking" you should really get an instructional video so you can work from something.

Try instruccionals from

John Petrucci
Paul Gilbert
Michael Angelo (Explains the different types of pickings if that's what you're looking for)
dagunslinger said:
Hey i'm reasonably new to guitar and trying out a load of different types of music like punk, indie, and now testing myself with lead by trying some of the bodom songs.

I'm learning bed of razors at the moment, and I'd like somebody to tell me; when playing the song, is it just normal constant down picking with the plectrum or alternative picking?

I can play close to the speed it's supposed to be just with normal downwards picking, but just wondering if i'd make it easier on myself if i mastered alternative picking?

Sorry if it's a bit of a dumb question to the pro's out there, but it'd really help if i could clear my mind of this and get on with it.

Go out and buy the John Petrucci's Rock Discipline DVD.
He will help you master alternate picking. As well as sweeps.
Best to make alternate picking a habit... then use downstrokes when you feel they are needed