a question on taking a DI for reamping...

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
this is the one big question i've have about taking DI signals purely with the intention of reamping it later, and have never really seen it discussed before

anyways...i'm going to be laying down some DI guitar tracks pretty soon, which are going to be reamped later with some great mics, and through some great pres(1073, API 3124, UA 2-610). what i want to know is what those who have good fortune with reamping do to get the DI tracks - do you typically look for a more transparent signal so that what hits the amp later is what came off of the guitar, or do you try to color the signal on the way in, before it gets colored more in the end?
it seems to me that the idea is to capture the cleanest DI signal that you can... by clean i mean, exactly how it sounds coming out of said guitar.

also, if you wanted the DI to hit the amp with more color, that is an option too... but shouldn't be done unless you are 1,000,000% sure you want it... other wise you're re-recording your DI tracks.
it seems to me that the idea is to capture the cleanest DI signal that you can... by clean i mean, exactly how it sounds coming out of said guitar.

also, if you wanted the DI to hit the amp with more color, that is an option too... but shouldn't be done unless you are 1,000,000% sure you want it... other wise you're re-recording your DI tracks.

it doesnt make that much difference.
as long as te pre isnt noisy,
thats all that matters.
out of those id reccomed the 3124
it seems to me that the idea is to capture the cleanest DI signal that you can... by clean i mean, exactly how it sounds coming out of said guitar

that's what i pretty much figured - intuition tells me to go nice and transparent on the way in, and then pick up that API "mojo" when i reamp

what's nice is that the studio is also equipped with a grace 801...so now i have to decide whether i want to lay down tracks @ home through my onyx and dump them into protools there, or do my DI takes through the grace

decisions, decisions...
i'm not the splitting the signal; i'll be monitoring the DI in the DAW with some sort of amp emulator, then sending it out to reamp later on
Make sure you got a good level, hit the strings F-ing hard and bring the pre down so the highest peak it almost at clip, not clipping but nice and hot.

If you color the DI track, that will be amplified [insert gain of amp here] fold and you'll hear those harmonics, might be nice but like AudioPhile777 said...