Cleaning Up DI Tracks


Jan 24, 2012
Does anyone here "clean" their DI tracks before reamping or in the box processing? Just curious if anyone uses something like Waves NS1 lightly before anything just to clean up the signal. No matter what i do there is always some noise in an electric guitar. Just wondered if this would be beneficial???
Personally, I don't. But there are a few tricks I've tried/heard of

-Transient Designer (to bring out more attack from wimpy playing)
-Noise Reduction as you mentioned

No rules really, but I don't work with DI's as much as some people here. I'm sure there's some new tricks out there
I don't do anything aside from edit silences and adjust levels before reamping. Both of those are big though, and affect the sound and overall quality of the reamp. If after doing this I am still having issues that a simple HP or LP can't fix, I talk to the person who made the DIs and see if there is something at the source that is causing the issues. In my opinion, and with these types of things, processing to fix problems never sounds better it only sounds different.
I only do time-alignments and silence cuts on the DI. Apart from that, I want the reamp to sound as much as possible like it was just played straight into the amp and recorded.
If you want a super clean tone and chuga chugas do a lot of slip editing on the di you would be amazed at the difference if you make the transients spot on on chugs every 8th or 16th note