A rant about society in general


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Why has the world become a bunch of weak non-caring cunts!!!...OK now thats out heres the deal, Yesterday on my home from work I spot an Old guy on the side of the road, his car had a flat tyre, he was rattling round in the boot as I went by so I thought he had the problem solved, but as I went passed I noticed that he was trying to get the tyre out of the boot. So I turn around and goto help out, He tells me he had been there for 45 mins or more trying to get his tyre out, and the jack, now this bloke was I would hazard at guess 70 years old, so why the fuck hadn't anyone stopped to help before I got there, are our lives so fucking busy that we cant help someone else out for the 20 mins or less it takes to change a tyre and have a small chat??

Now what the fuck would you have done? Be honest here I stop and help anyone I can, admittly sometimes that might scare the odd person, which I also find worrying they are actually surprised you wanna help...what the fuck have we driven our societies too???? would you/do you help when you see someone that needs a hand??
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It's because in general, most humans assume that other humans are arseholes who wouldn't help them.

or something to that affect, i don't understand pople that well.
I don't think its so much about being UNcaring... its more about accepting the situation and not worrying about it. If that makes sense... it does in my head.

I meanif I really wasn't travelling anywhere in particular, I'd stop and help the guy, but if I had a purpose to where I was going, I'd probably not even notice he was there. I don't know why.
I remember once many years ago, the car in front of me at the traffic lights stalled or broke down or something... anyway I quickly jumped out to help the guy push his car off of the road... and I think he kinda shat himself assuming that I was getting out to abuse him or something.
As Phloggy once said "a person can be nice. People suck." You, Southy, are one of those people who would stop and help someone without thinking what was in it for you.

Most other people wouldn't care enough to notice, much less do anything about it. Society's a joke :mad:. That's why I don't consider myself a part of it.

What Wrathy said, sums things up rather well.

As for me helping, I would have probably done the same as you Southy, I would have probably assumed the guy had it under control, but if I noticed otherwise, I would stop and help, provided I wasn't in a rush or anything. If I was on my way somewhere, thats a different thing to being in a rush. :)
I stopped to help a guy once, and ended up wishing I hadn't. He went to my school, and I realised then that he was a fucking knob. I had better things to do, but tried to help out. He hardly even thanked me for wasting 15 minutes of my time.

I'd definitely stop to help out an old bloke though.

Do you guys ever pick hitch hikers up?
I'm wary of hitchhikers. But I'll generally stop and help someone who's broken down if it looks like they're in trouble. One day on the way to Uni I saw a woman waiting by her car. It was pissing down rain, but I stopped and asked if she was ok. Turns out she needed a ride to a phone, so I took her to the next servo.
Another time a friend and I were driving back from her gig (she was in a band) in Wollongong. We're on the Princes Hwy in the middle of the night and she sees a car broken down so asks me to stop. I pull over and she gets out and fucks off! By the time I got out of my car, she was standing by the other car talking to these two young Leb guys who'd broken down. The older one (about 20) had rung his cousin with a tow truck to come and get them but he was going to be hours. The younger guy was another cousin about 15 who had to get home, so we offered them a lift. They got in the car and were talking to Jess about her band and stuff until I dropped them off. The older guy ran a brothel from his house and when we got there he asked us in and gave us some beer and some really, really good amyl nitrate! That's gratitude. :)
I pick up hitchers..its been done for me before when I had to get back to Brisbane, and was half-way to Toowoomba and the car I was in shat itself...I'm not overly worried about em cause I know I can handle myself, and besides I don;t really look like someone ya would want to rob.
Southy said:
Now what the fuck would you have done? Be honest here I stop and help anyone I can, admittly sometimes that might scare the odd person, which I also find worrying they are actually surprised you wanna help...what the fuck have we driven our societies too???? would you/do you help when you see someone that needs a hand??

what do you think i would do?
everybody needs a hand now and then and we all deserve a middle finger now and then too. either way i cant help getting involved, it's how i am.

whether you believe in god or kharma or nothing, what comes around goes around. you dont help people they arent going to help you when you need it.

We all like to put the blame
On society these things
But what kind of good or bad
A new generation brings
Sometimes takes just more than that
To survive be good at heart
There is evil in some of us
No matter what will never change

I will hope
My soul will fly
So I will live forever
Heart will die
My soul will fly
I will live forever
I remember I used to pick up hitchers all the time when I used to drive between Taree and Sydney nearly every w/e. One time one I picked up was a bit too weird so I pulled into a driveway a bit further down and said these were friends I was just dropping something off grabbed my bag and knocked on the door lucky a big burly bloke answered I told him what was up and he came out and told the guy he was making me stay the night so you best be off mate.So the guy got out and left. I refuse to pick up hitchers ever since.