A rare CD recommendation....


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I try to keep my band/CD recommendations to the appropriate forum, but once in a while a band impresses me enough as a musician to suggest them to other musicians. I am going to the Prog Power USA this year so I checked out some of the bands and by far my favorite is Tad Morose and more specifically, their latest release "Modus Vivendi." Even though I am a guitarist, I prefer a quality experience musically as opposed to a "shredder" but this band did both to a degree.
The guitarists (a twin guitar attack) don't do a whole lot for me as far as solos, but on rythm and "licks" they are amazing. Where many bands with two guitarists just play the same power chords, to make them sound thicker, this band plays great harmony between the guitars. What I mean is, they use a good bit of variated chords with one guitar playing one part and the other playing another. They also do a lot of harmony in the licks. The band's sound is similar to oldschool American power metal like Howe era Metal Church or something, though they are Swedish.
I don't want to make them sound like the next great innovators in metal. They aren't technical wizards, but the harmony between the guitars are really good and unique. I am very impressed by their approach stylistically in the guitars and the drummer and vocalist are also very good.

Ironbird666 said:
Sounds cool, I'll check them out.

Thanks. I am an opinionated guy but I always feel bad if I recommend a band to people and people don't like them, but aside from the musicianship aspect of the band, they simply rip as far as writing killer stuff. Of course that aspect of their music belongs in a different forum but Tad Morose is one of those bands that plays cool shit musically and even if some aren't impressed by them as a musicians, they may still enjoy them as a band overalll.
As I stated in the original post, I don't believe in promoting my favorite bands in this forum. This is not the forum to do that type of stuff, but they are interesting enough musically in my ears to warrant a post.

Bryant said:
As I stated in the original post, I don't believe in promoting my favorite bands in this forum. This is not the forum to do that type of stuff, but they are interesting enough musically in my ears to warrant a post.

Well you've certainly intrigued me as well! Never heard of them, but I will definitely check them out. I'm always up for hearing interesting music from talented musicians, regardless of the genre.
I downloaded the song Anubis from the century media website. I have to say that I'm quite impressed!! Looks like I'm going to have to go out and sacrifice some cash for this album. :headbang: Thanks for posting about this band, I'm very open minded about music myself and I'm always looking for something new to check out.
Ironbird666 said:
I downloaded the song Anubis from the century media website. I have to say that I'm quite impressed!! Looks like I'm going to have to go out and sacrifice some cash for this album. :headbang: Thanks for posting about this band, I'm very open minded about music myself and I'm always looking for something new to check out.

Cool !!! I am really digging this band. The vocalist is outstanding as well. They are a solid band accross the board. I felt like an idiot for letting them slip through my fingers for so many years, though they have went through some tranformations.

Iced In Flames said:
Tad Morose do indeed rock.

Ah !! Good taste my friend. I come to this forum from time to time and try to help younger musicians if I can (not thatI am God's gift, but I am experienced) and learn things myself as well. I try to stay on the topic of that, but the new Tad Morose kicked my ass so hard, I had to share it here. I recommend it on every forum I go to because I can think of NO other metal band that would be enjoyable to people that have different metal subgenres as their "favorite." The new TM is heavy enough for many, melodic enough for many and technical enough for many. Their new release is hard to beat for a "metal" fan.

P.S. I am happy for you and Abryl now that she has moved up there. Better take her to a Steelers game for a post honeymoon celebration !!

Pisses me off that I havent been able to find any of their cds for a decent price. No one here carries em in stores. Another Time Around so far is my fav.

And thanks bro :) Yep we'll go just soon as they come to play against my Packers!
Ironbird666 said:
I haven't seen it in stores around where I live either, going to have to order it I guess. :erk:

The cheapest place I know of (including free shipping) is The End records. www.theendrecords.com If they don't have it, I know The Lasers edge does. www.lasercd.com The Laser's Edge caters more to prog rock and prog metal fans, but they also carry some of thebetter powermetal bands like Tad Morose if you want to label them powermetal.

I like Tad Morose, too. They have gone thru some different sounds thru different lineups, but all were pretty good. I also recommend The End for getting your cd's. Free shipping and great prices. They are also sometimes open to suggestion on what they carry. Some of us asked for The Lord Weird Slough Feg and now they carry a couple of their cd's.
I found a few albums on The End Records, but not the newest one. I also looked on metaldisc.com and found quite a few Tad Morose albums. They don't have free shipping, but I've ordered from them before and they always send you a bunch of stickers and free magazines to look at. I'll probably order a few of their albums at the beginning of next month, any suggestions besides Modus Vivendi?
Ironbird666 said:
I found a few albums on The End Records, but not the newest one. I also looked on metaldisc.com and found quite a few Tad Morose albums. They don't have free shipping, but I've ordered from them before and they always send you a bunch of stickers and free magazines to look at. I'll probably order a few of their albums at the beginning of next month, any suggestions besides Modus Vivendi?

Well I would just order in reverse chronological order. The band has evolved quite a bit over the years. The release before MV is "Matters of the Dark." I like it quite a bit, but it is a little more straight forward metal and doesn't have as interesting guitar work. The songs are still very good and the vocals and drums are still top notch though. Great lead vocals and huge backing vocals in that one. The release before that one is "Undead" and it was the first disc to feature a twin guitar attack as TM used a keyboardist in the past.

I'm sure I'll like all of their albums. If I like a band, I usually enjoy all of their material even if there is a change in sound. Well, I don't feel that way about all bands but as long as they keep it metal and don't sell out I usually still like it. Doesn't have to have super guitar work and crazy drumming to keep me interested, I just enjoy a good song. I thought the musicianship on the one song I heard was great, but I really enjoy the vocalist the most. I think his voice is great! I'll work my way backwards until I get them all, sounds like the way to go. Thanks Bryant! :headbang:
Ironbird666 said:
I'm sure I'll like all of their albums. If I like a band, I usually enjoy all of their material even if there is a change in sound. Well, I don't feel that way about all bands but as long as they keep it metal and don't sell out I usually still like it. Doesn't have to have super guitar work and crazy drumming to keep me interested, I just enjoy a good song. I thought the musicianship on the one song I heard was great, but I really enjoy the vocalist the most. I think his voice is great! I'll work my way backwards until I get them all, sounds like the way to go. Thanks Bryant! :headbang:

No problem. I don't think you have to be "over-the-top" to be great. My all-time favorite guitarist is Wolf Hoffmann (former Accept) and though few that know him would argue he isn't a fantastic player, he doesn't have the flash of an Yngwie or a Vai. Anyway, though I am a musician and more of a guitarist than anything else, I don't look for bands that have an axeslinger that blow me away either. I look for BANDS that blow me away with style and substance. In the last six years there have only been three bands that have more or less ripped my fucking head off and they are Vanden Plas, Angel Dust and most recently Tad Morose. That doesn't mean you will like them as much as I, but if they didn't impress me to a great extent, I wouldn't have went off-topic in this forum to promote them. The last two discs in particular "Modus Vivendi" and "Matters of the Dark" pretty much kicked my ass thoroughly. I hope anyone here enjoys them half as much as I.

I totally agree. In my opinion a band that can write amazing songs and play well together is much better than an amazing guitar player in a shitty band that can't write songs to save their lives. You may want to kick me for this, but I've never really checked out Accept. :erk: I know that may be a crime against metal, but I just never got around to listening to them. What's a good place to start?
Ironbird666 said:
I totally agree. In my opinion a band that can write amazing songs and play well together is much better than an amazing guitar player in a shitty band that can't write songs to save their lives. You may want to kick me for this, but I've never really checked out Accept. :erk: I know that may be a crime against metal, but I just never got around to listening to them. What's a good place to start?

Their "masterpiece" according to many is "Balls to the Walls" and that one has also been remastered. It is tied with "Metal Heart" as my favorite. There are positives and negatives with Accept. The positives are the band and the lead guitarist. Wolf Hoffmann is my all-time favorite bar none. He is fantastic. He blends harmonic minor (mostly) riffs and leads with both a blues and a classical style sometimes in the same solo. His best work is on "Metal Heart" and Russian Roulette." The band is also rock solid. Stephan Kaufmann (drummer) was playing fast double bass in 1981 when it was almost unheard of. Their music has stood the test of time for me better than ANY artist I can think of for that duration.
The negatives..... Udo (the vocalist) is very unique and many people are polarized towards him. He is a singer you really like or really dislike. The other negative is that the band "sounds" like they recorded "Metal Heart" in 1985 because they did. The production just isn't where I would like it.
I wish I could describe their music, but it's really hard. They sound like Accept. If I were to recommend a CD, it would probably be the remasterd "Balls to the Walls" then "Metal Heart." If BttW weren't remastered, I would go with MH because the songs are just as strong and the guitar is better. Wolf really matured between BttW and MH. It's all going to boil down to how well you like the vocals though as the music sounds great by even today's standards.


I edited because I said "there masterpiece"
I listened to the song "Metal Heart" this morning. I dug it, Wolf has a really cool style. I'll probably get that album one day, I liked what I heard. As for Udo, well, he didn't bother me at all really. He is definitely "unique" haha!! Thanks for all the band recommendations, that's two cool bands you turned me on to so far. I'm into old school metal, I used to drive my friends nuts when we would get together because I would put on old Mercyful Fate and drive them crazy with King's vocals haha!
Ironbird666 said:
I listened to the song "Metal Heart" this morning. I dug it, Wolf has a really cool style. I'll probably get that album one day, I liked what I heard. As for Udo, well, he didn't bother me at all really. He is definitely "unique" haha!! Thanks for all the band recommendations, that's two cool bands you turned me on to so far. I'm into old school metal, I used to drive my friends nuts when we would get together because I would put on old Mercyful Fate and drive them crazy with King's vocals haha!

I am happy to be of service sir !! Salute !! If you do "get" Udo's delivery, you will like Accept. The solo in "Metal Heart" is Wolf's rendition of Beethoven's "Fur Elise." I think it is cool, but it is not my favorite of his solos on that release. As I said in other ways, Wolf is not the flashiest, but he has great substance, style and character in his playing. He's tough to beat and is an all around a great guitarist. Aside from all of that, they write cool songs. I think they hold their own against The Scorps, Priest and Maiden in that era, though they weren't as popular.
