A review worthy of it's own thread...

With age comes experience and knowledge. There are exceptions to this rule, but in general, it holds true. When I have been doing something longer then someone has been alive, I tend to believe I have more knowledge and understanding of the process, a bit more so then the young guy. This kid wasn't alive when I played in my first band and he's going to point out my "obvious" influences? That's just inexperienced youth.

In general I suppose, but there are experienced youth as well :rolleyes:
Listen, this is something that's just going to turn into an arguement and there's no fucking point. I think Paul made his point well when he said that this particular kid we're discussing, the reviewer, is trying to claim things as being obvious and act like he knows shit that he doesn't know. He said there are exceptions to the rule, as there are with anything in life really. So let's not argue, especially over some fucking overly opinionated Australian cunt of a kid who thinks he's a journalist but truthfully he's just a goddamned hack with internet access.
Thanks for posting that! It was a hard day I needed the laughs :lol:

No disrespect intended I fucking love Novembers Doom, but this part really made me laugh. "A bit manlier" just killed me! :lol::lol::kickass:
He's trying to sing in too deep a register, for one; and while perhaps he sounds a bit manlier he isn't really able to put much force in it as he would if he went a bit higher and got his wailing on.

What a tard...

Listen, this is something that's just going to turn into an arguement and there's no fucking point. I think Paul made his point well when he said that this particular kid we're discussing, the reviewer, is trying to claim things as being obvious and act like he knows shit that he doesn't know. He said there are exceptions to the rule, as there are with anything in life really. So let's not argue, especially over some fucking overly opinionated Australian cunt of a kid who thinks he's a journalist but truthfully he's just a goddamned hack with internet access.

Just a friendly debate, not an argument. No one has become mean, and I think it's an interesting topic to discuss. It's all good at the moment.
In general I suppose, but there are experienced youth as well :rolleyes:

I think the problem here is with word definition. There is a difference between being knowledgeable of a subject, and being experienced with something.

It's not how much information you know about a subject, it's how you've applied it. Just because someone has read the manual from cover to cover on an airplane, and can hold a conversation with a pilot on how the plane works, doesn't mean he knows how to fly the plane. That takes practice, and over TIME comes experience. Experience is gained with repetition.
ya, i can definetly understand that point of view, although, I have flown a plane before, its not hard, landing is the hard part, wasn't alowed to do that lol
ya, i can definetly understand that point of view, although, I have flown a plane before, its not hard, landing is the hard part, wasn't alowed to do that lol

I've heard that about flying, that's it's the landing that's hard. hahaha! OK, flying may be a bad example...

If you needed a delicate procedure in brain surgery, would you want the experienced doctor, who has performed hundreds or thousands of successful operations over his many years, or do you want the knowledgeable kid who just got his doctorate, but he did a lot of reading on the subject?

I know it's an extreme example, but it's just to help illustrate my point.

When I was young, I thought I knew better them my parents did, and then as I got older I realized they were right a lot more then I wanted to believe. As I said, there are exceptions to every rule, but in general, experience comes with age. Knowledge is your foundation to build from.

Anyway, I've beaten this to death now. I'm done. :)
Also with age comes the ability to grow a more convincing beard, I've found, which helps when dispensing nuggets of wisdom, as you can stroke your beard in a ponderous, sage-like manner as you speak, or perhaps while pausing between sentences.

As a younger man, my facial hair was thin and unconvincing, which often detracted from the poignancy of what I was actually saying.
I think the problem here is with word definition. There is a difference between being knowledgeable of a subject, and being experienced with something.

It's not how much information you know about a subject, it's how you've applied it. Just because someone has read the manual from cover to cover on an airplane, and can hold a conversation with a pilot on how the plane works, doesn't mean he knows how to fly the plane. That takes practice, and over TIME comes experience. Experience is gained with repetition.

Yeah, wording it like that definitely makes the point come across, and I see what you mean. The doctor example made much more sense as well XD
I just happened to watch this interview with Kevin Smith, and in it he discusses the internet and online critics and naysayers, and I think he really puts it all into a good perspective, and he's pretty spot on. I think I'm going to take the route of thinking that he's taken.

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I am a fan of Opeth, and being a fan of that band is what lead me to discover November's Doom. To me, there is no comparison between these 2 bands. Each has their own unique sound and vibe. All I have to say is that was one of the worst album reviews I have ever read. Not trying to sound like a kiss ass, but in my opinion, November's Doom is one of the greatest Doom Metal bands out there. I'm an old Black Sabbath and Trouble fan, and when I first heard your music it was like a breath of fresh air to me. Hopefully shitty reviews like this only fuel the creative fire for you guys.
Like Kevin says, it's not the negativity that's the irritant, it's the stuff that's presented as fact that is actually incorrect that really grates on the nerves. But truth be told, if you go through and look at the bulk of the reviews we've gotten over the years, I'd say at least 70 to 80 percent of them are on the positive side, and a fair amount of them are concise and fairly well written. So letting these few dimwits out there get to us is really pointless, I suppose.

Not sure if it fuels the creative fire, per se. But what does fuel us is not only making an album that we are pleased with, but also something that we hope to please you guys with! If you're not pleased with it, well thats a bummer but as long as we can stand firmly behind what we do then we're all good. But anyhow, let's just say it's the positive enthusiasm from our fans that helps fuel us to do better, not the negative naysayers who don't have a clue and wouldn't give us a real chance anyhow. There's no point in trying to prove anything to those people.