A rune for the bear pelt


ὁ δύσκος λύκος
May 14, 2008
Runes shall ye know on untrodden ways.
Know how to round and how to attain.

It crossed my mind that the bear pelt lacked a rune or two so that they might help me to make a fool of myself while wearing it. :kickass:

The reverse wunjo rune might be appropriate in this case, as not only as it is attributed to berserkers, but also intoxication and possession. However, my concern is that it might backfire. Is anyone more familiar than I about this kind of thing?
You could use it, but as you said it might backfire. The runes are a very powerful tool, always use the utmost caution when using them.

I'd go for another rune if I were you unless you're in the army or something while wearing the bear belt :) If I were you if you're still looking along the lines of strength go for the Uruz rune or even create a bindrune with Uruz and something like Algiz

Hope I helped.