A serious question.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Let's just say you've been playing geeeeeeetar or another instrument for 10 years or so, doing what you want to do, playing, recording, and even performing your own music to your 14 devout fans. Some record exec comes up to you "come in here boy come and have a cigar" and asks you to play some processed bullshit for a couple of hours and they'll pay you 3 times your last year's salary just fer feelin' friendly, and by the way we're putting it on wax. Six months later you have an album released of said material, gain millions of adoring fans (hopefully more than half with large bra sizes... in the gay way), and all of a sudden you're on the top of the world because of some bullshit you spewed out while probably stoned for some skinny tie wearing motherfucker.

Then afterwards you go and hang out with your 3 friends on this earth and drink cheap beer for a few days in a row, laughing at all the suckers that just paid you mad cash do pork out something you wouldn't even subject your dead goldfish to.

Integrity? Fuck integrity. Let the suckers dole out their cash at will while you sit and laugh at them. Fuck me, I'd do it. I know who my real friends are, and I also know who would know what kind of scheme I'd be pulling.

By the way, I'm listening to Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger right now, for the umpteenth time, but this is the first time I've actually enjoyed it. :tickled:

NAD's drunk rant for 2004, transmission complete. See you in the funny pages.

AFTERWORD: My point is anyone who takes the time to sign a recording contract is doing just as I said. If music is created ONLY to create music, no record contracts, shows, or even fucking demos would be bothered with. If music is solely for your self-fulfillment, you would make one copy of a tape and never let anyone hear it except for maybe yer mum so she could be proud of ye. :tickled:
Dude, if I was in that situation, I'd totally do it. I miss having an adoring fan club of false friends, and need money pronto!
NAD said:
Then afterwards you go and hang out with your 3 friends on this earth and drink cheap beer for a few days in a row, laughing at all the suckers that just paid you mad cash do pork out something you wouldn't even subject your dead goldfish to.

Integrity? Fuck integrity. Let the suckers dole out their cash at will while you sit and laugh at them. Fuck me, I'd do it. I know who my real friends are, and I also know who would know what kind of scheme I'd be pulling.
Many a band have made that decision, and lasted far less of a time on earth than those that stick to their guns.

I still vote for keepin' it real.
What if you're sticking to your guns by making as much £ as possible while still playing credible Metal music? Hey, if it works for Iron Maiden it can work for me! :D
NAD said:
AFTERWORD: My point is anyone who takes the time to sign a recording contract is doing just as I said. If music is created ONLY to create music, no record contracts, shows, or even fucking demos would be bothered with. If music is solely for your self-fulfillment, you would make one copy of a tape and never let anyone hear it...
Yeah, it's an interesting point. I guess if you want to make your own music and share it with others to enjoy, then you can just offer it for free download off the web as opposed to hunt down distributors or labels to supply CDs etc at a money-making profit. I guess if some fans want a tangible product, the artist can offer high quality downloads for CD-R burning and cover art which can be printed and slipped into a jewel case.

Personally, I don't need to be loaded like Trump. I don't need the penthouse in Manhattan, the 100ft yaught in Monaco Bay, the high roller lifestyle in Vegas etc. However, it would be nice to be financially independent so if I could get some quick cash, that would be cool. Paying off the mortgage, car, etc to the point where most of your regular income becomes 'disposable' would be really nice. Bills and loans are teh suck, and unfortunately, most people live in the bank managers pocket all their lives.
There's a fine line between wanting to share your creation with a few hundred people and wanting to give the millions of people exactly what a record company or MTV deem popular to make yourself rich. A lot of metal bands actually lose money when recording or releasing an album.

Not everyone can be bought.
J. said:
There's a fine line between wanting to share your creation with a few hundred people and wanting to give the millions of people exactly what a record company or MTV deem popular to make yourself rich. A lot of metal bands actually lose money when recording or releasing an album.

Not everyone can be bought.
Well said. It's obviously possible to make the music you want to make, sell your 10-20,000 copies and make some nice side money, all without bending over and handing some assmunch from Sony the tub of Vaseline.
A band proabably makes a few grand each if they sell that many records. I remember talking to a friend of mine some years ago who was telling me what they make on each record sold. It's about 75 cents. Then pay for your tours, etc.

That's why less than 1% of all metal bands do it full time.
Damn, a few grand for all that effort?! So in line with this thread question then, you can go off for six months, make a few million bucks, and then return to your old life? Sheeyat, that's the least I'd do. If I can get out of having to work 9-5 until I'm 65 then I'm game. If somebody gave me that option to take early retirement in six months, I'd take it in a flash! Who chooses to want to work forever?
Well, if work is making music you love and fulfills your creative visions and desires, than why not?

Making a few million in one fell swoop might be quick-fix financially rewarding, but obviously someone with such shallow drive isn't going to be an investment rocket scientist. I'd be willing to bet that a few years of hard partying and frivolous spending and they'd be right back where they started, only without the satisfaction of actually creating something they could be proud of.

I don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the artists who have jack squat even though they should be wealthy enough for multiple lifetimes. I mean, you don't think Poison is still touring because they WANT to, do you?
markgugs said:
Making a few million in one fell swoop might be quick-fix financially rewarding, but obviously someone with such shallow drive isn't going to be an investment rocket scientist. I'd be willing to bet that a few years of hard partying and frivolous spending and they'd be right back where they started, only without the satisfaction of actually creating something they could be proud of.
Wow, sounds like everything I'm aspiring to...just add a cocaine overdose at the end :)
for a million dollars... yeah, I'd do it. Those especially devout fans that follow your material afterwords might get surprised when you release your regular work. Situations like these are what psuedonyms are for.
hell yeh id do it, you can always still have your artistically fulfilling side-projects. and yeh i bet poison still tours because they want to. playing shows is fun.