A short clip I made with my newly aquired 5153 50w


Nov 15, 2007
Disclaimer: This is my first ever real miccing of an amp. I still have a lot to learn. I basically tried to put the SM57 at the centre of the cap. Mic was about 1-2 inches from the cloth. Interface is my Toneport UX1 and my strings aren't very new, will make new clips later.

Would love some criticism etc :)
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Thanks guys! :D

Sounds pretty good! Especially the crunch channel. Would love to sell my 6505 and get one of these soon.

One off topic thing though I have always wondered. When you're talking about mic positions for example "center of the cone". Do you mean the position "cone" like in this picture http://www.redwirez.com/images/speaker-175x166.jpg or do you talk about the dust cap?

Oh haha, I didn't know all the terminology for this yet, thanks for the pic man :)

According to that picture I tried to point the 57 at the centre of the cap. Wouldn't this be called on-axis?
No problem. I was just wondering since the tone was so bright. Maybe "center of the cone" is the common term when talking about mic aimed at the center of the speaker. Maybe someone can confirm this.. :Spin:
Perhaps, seeing as "centre of the cone" would be in the centre of a .. well.. cone, and what's there? The dustcap. But I guess just saying "straight on the cap" would be more clear.
this thing sounds SO FUCKING GNARLY!!!! god DAMN...

these little baby amps are such a good fucking idea. the Mini Recto absolutely BLEW ME the fuck AWAY. SOOOO GNARLYYYYY.

I NEED this little guy...