a small hint for Mr.V


apprentice of balance
Nov 24, 2005
Germany/ Köln
I suppose that by releasing your works you have the intention not just to earn money with the albums but also to share your creative process with your audience. I recently read some translations of both earlier and later lyrics and came to listen to the music in quite another way, because I know what you're singing about more exactly. It's kinda like the atmosphere is more intense now. Isn't it somehow important to give your audience the possibility to follow your progression and thus the lyrics in an apropriate way? There'll be a reason why the booklets don't contain translations until Visions... but wouldn't it be a nice move to include them in upcoming releases / their booklets? Especially your twist on how to connect science and philosophical questions is of great interest to me and certainly to some other listeners. Thus it would be really cool if you'd send your webmaster translations you think of as apropriate to include them on vintersorganic.com. What do you think on this one?

np: Opeth - The Amen Corner
Tyraz said:
I suppose that by releasing your works you have the intention not just to earn money with the albums but also to share your creative process with your audience. I recently read some translations of both earlier and later lyrics and came to listen to the music in quite another way, because I know what you're singing about more exactly. It's kinda like the atmosphere is more intense now. Isn't it somehow important to give your audience the possibility to follow your progression and thus the lyrics in an apropriate way? There'll be a reason why the booklets don't contain translations until Visions... but wouldn't it be a nice move to include them in upcoming releases / their booklets? Especially your twist on how to connect science and philosophical questions is of great interest to me and certainly to some other listeners. Thus it would be really cool if you'd send your webmaster translations you think of as apropriate to include them on vintersorganic.com. What do you think on this one?

np: Opeth - The Amen Corner

I understand your point..but music and lyrics is very special to me, I choose to write in the language that strikes me and suits the song best..translation take away the magic as it's impossible to translate the ffel of the words..and I don't like to decode the things we create..we create them the way we do cause we couldn't express it in another way..

mr v
There are many artists arguementing like this and I can't deny that word constructs are sensitive beings. There is of course a reason for choosing a certain language for a song. Now that the translation thing does not appeal to you, would you roughly describe the song contents in one or two sentences when the album is available? Maybe as a little favor for the interested audience? ;)

np: Solefald - Sea I Called
Why don't you just learn Swedish? Before I got to know vintersorg I knew nothing about Swedish (or other scandinavian languages), but now I can read quite some. It's beautiful to understand the words at the moment he sings them. Aah Swedish is just beautiful. And so is Norwegian.
Since a couple of years I'm kinda teaching it to myself with the help of some grammar, and music. mmmm music.
o I forgot one thing: dictionaries, they can be quite helpful:D
Since I have to learn latin at the university at the moment in order to be able to continue my history studies after the basic semestras I'm not in the mood to learn another language for fun. Maybe in half a year or so, if I'm not failing the latin test that is. ;)

np: Solefald - Sun I Call (this one got me...)
Héhé Walkyr, I agree with you, Swedish is so beautiful !! But it's hard I found, I'm discovered swedish with Otyg, and I love swedish now, where you come from ?? I'm french and to found dictionnary on the shop or grammar on the web it's very difficult, but I try .. I try .. ;)
swedish its a beutiful language to teach. the grammar is psyko compare to other language.
I use that site quite often.. but dude.. you got your words mixed up.. grammar is how sentences are constructed; vocabulary is the words that construct them. My head hurts.
walkyr said:
Why don't you just learn Swedish? Before I got to know vintersorg I knew nothing about Swedish (or other scandinavian languages), but now I can read quite some. It's beautiful to understand the words at the moment he sings them. Aah Swedish is just beautiful. And so is Norwegian.
Since a couple of years I'm kinda teaching it to myself with the help of some grammar, and music. mmmm music.
o I forgot one thing: dictionaries, they can be quite helpful:D

Das stimmt für mich auch. :cool:
-Vintersorg- said:
I use that site quite often.. but dude.. you got your words mixed up.. grammar is how sentences are constructed; vocabulary is the words that construct them. My head hurts.

hell. every thing is fucked up in sweden. grammar in sweden is wich form and how its spell.
Which form? Om du menar när man ska säga du eller dig; en eller ett; den sistA gångEN; gör, gjorde eller har gjort; ordföljt osv osv... då jo, de är grammatik.. men ordlagen som utgör ett språk kallas vokabulären (eller ordförråd).. det kvittar var man är; grammatik å ordförråd betyder alltid samma..

ok... so my Swedish isnt all that great...
Well, prenames arent that hard, but the construction of a sentence often is. And I never know what gender a noun is if I have to translate it from my language into Swedish. But I guess I'll have to learn that by heart.
I'm learning to recognise the gender of swedish words a bit though.
aah.. it will take a looong time anyway before I shall be able to make myself understandable in Sweden
-Vintersorg- said:
Which form? Om du menar när man ska säga du eller dig; en eller ett; den sistA gångEN; gör, gjorde eller har gjort; ordföljt osv osv... då jo, de är grammatik.. men ordlagen som utgör ett språk kallas vokabulären (eller ordförråd).. det kvittar var man är; grammatik å ordförråd betyder alltid samma..

ok... so my Swedish isnt all that great...

fan du kan ju svenska riktigt bra. var har du lärt dig det någonstans?

walkyr have rigth. if you translate word by word it will fuck up. in swedish they often take the last words and puts them in the front.