A small teaser


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Hey everyone!

I'm sure most of you have read the latest news on the website by now. Well, It looks like the artowrk will be in our hands next week, and Rainer was kind enough to hand out a teaser for everyone to see. Let me first say that this is NOT the album cover, it is mearly a very small peice of it, and this is a photo of the model Rainer used to create some of the album cover. I'm sure this will have everyone wondering what the hell the album cover is actually going to be with this "Photo" template... you'll all get to find out very soon, as it is not what you might think.... ;)


Okay Folks! We'll have some more updates in the next week or two... .it looks as thought this damn album might actualy see the light of day soon! :loco:

Hey Dustin (and other KatV guys),

Very much appreciated r.e. the other teasers you shared about the new album... can't wait to hear the finished product!

Thanks man!
Mr Toast said:
Hey Dustin (and other KatV guys),

Very much appreciated r.e. the other teasers you shared about the new album... can't wait to hear the finished product!

Thanks man!

hehehe...that's right, your one of the few who have had the chance to sit in on a rehersal... albeit, an instrumental rehersal night! :Spin:
