A special opportunity for you guys...


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
On this Sunday, I will be the proud owner of Fortin Natas #2


Take a look at the iron in that amp, and tell me it doesn't give you a woody. The choke in this thing is probably bigger than the output transformers in half of the amps on the market :lol:

Celebrating the landing of this beast, I will reamp ONE SONG, for TWO PEOPLE for FREE. If you end up wanting to reamp the rest of your project with the Natas, I will also offer you a discount on the work :)

The DIs have to be great, and the backing has to rock. In return, you will be presented with one hell of a beastly guitar tone for your track :saint:

The only catch is, you agree to allow me to use your track on my upcoming website and also Mike Fortin's website for promotional purposes.

Please either post a current mix of your song in this thread, or PM it to me.

I will select the two tracks I will reamp by Sunday morning.



You've yet to hear the newest version of the Natas. There have been final revisions done that took it one more step. Mine also has something special that Mike did for me, but of course SOMETHING had to be done.

PM me a backing and some DIs captain. :)
i love this guys work, he makes amazing tube amps, just mind blowingly awesome shit

and dudes shop is right down the street from my house LOL
What about the song I sent to your e-mail? :heh:

Tracking leads tomorrow and it has a great backing. Let me know what you think!


I would have mentioned it right to you, but the tones I'm going to be shooting for with these reamps couldn't be farther from what you're looking for for that project. The Natas isn't really an amp to do "Very organic with tons of LIFE" sort of tones; that amplifier eats souls and provides copious amounts of grind and destruction. I was planning on using the Bogner Ecstasy with a boost up front for the material you sent me the sneak peak of; it would pretty much be the perfect amp for your project. I sent you an e-mail, nonetheless. Check it out before you think you want to apply for this reamp.
Ooh I think I´ve got the perfect track for you... Thrash, completely finished, awesome song, real instruments only!

I´ll talk to the band today... Will send you a PM tomorrow

I would have mentioned it right to you, but the tones I'm going to be shooting for with these reamps couldn't be farther from what you're looking for for that project. The Natas isn't really an amp to do "Very organic with tons of LIFE" sort of tones; that amplifier eats souls and provides copious amounts of grind and destruction. I was planning on using the Bogner Ecstasy with a boost up front for the material you sent me the sneak peak of; it would pretty much be the perfect amp for your project. I sent you an e-mail, nonetheless. Check it out before you think you want to apply for this reamp.

Fair enough! :kickass:
Congrats on the amp! I was wondering what you thoughts are on doing the reamp through 2-3 different amps for comparison purposes. You know, put it next to the old 5150 and rectrumfrier and get a direct comparison going.

Congrats on the amp! I was wondering what you thoughts are on doing the reamp through 2-3 different amps for comparison purposes. You know, put it next to the old 5150 and rectrumfrier and get a direct comparison going.


I;'ll probably do some comparisons in the near future. I also no longer own a rectumfrier for various reasons :lol: