A Steve Harris Compilation for NAD


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Help me pick 10-12 songs - not necessarily just the typical/popular Maiden songs, but examples of where Steve Harris shines in his bass playing. I know there are so many...

How about these for starters:

Phantom of the Opera
Flight of Icarus
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Stranger in a Strange Land
Sea of Madness
The Clairvoyant
The Prophecy
Go ahead and skip everything off 7th Son of a 7th Son, and anything on Best of the Beast, which seems to cover their most known songs. I already have those CDs.

And thanks! :D
Wait, so you have Best of the Beast? OK forget the CD-R and go listen to what you already own!

Focus on Disc 2 - their earlier stuff is the best, obviously:

Rime of the Ancient Mariner (the live version is just as good, taken from LaD I believe)
Hallowed Be The Name (probably the greatest song ever written IMO)
Phantom of the Opera
Strange World

Those five songs alone should provide ample education in the ways of Harris.
Best of the Beast 2-CD version:

1: Virus
2: Sign Of The Cross
3: Man On the Edge
4: Afraid To Shoot Strangers (live)
5: Be Quick Or Be Dead
6: Fear Of The Dark (live)
7: Bring Your Daughter…
…To The Slaughter
8: Holy Smoke
9: The Clairvoyant
10: Can I Play With Madness
11: The Evil That Men Do
12: Heaven Can Wait
13: Wasted Years

1: Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (live)
2: Running Free (live)
3: 2 Minutes To Midnight
4: Aces High
5: Where Eagles Dare
6: The Trooper
7: The Number Of The Beast
8: Run To The Hills
9: Hallowed Be Thy Name
10: Wrathchild
11: Phantom Of The Opera
12: Sanctuary
13: Strange World
14: Iron Maiden

You really need to focus on the material on disc 2, especially since you already own 7th Son. Honestly NAD, disc two has some of the finest moments in music history - there are few who can disagree. Unfortunately, I'm not sure which tracks they selected for the single CD "best-of" release, but I'm sure it's a selection from the above with more emphasis on disc 1 songs.
Damn yous Columbia House for only stocking the single CD version!!!

2: Sign Of The Cross
4: Afraid To Shoot Strangers (live)
8: Holy Smoke
11: The Evil That Men Do
12: Heaven Can Wait
13: Wasted Years

1: Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (live)
5: Where Eagles Dare
10: Wrathchild
11: Phantom Of The Opera
12: Sanctuary
13: Strange World
14: Iron Maiden

These are the ones that aren't on the single CD version, d'oh.

I don't suppose Where Eagles Dare is the same as the Misfits version is it? "I AIN'T NO GOD DAMN SUNUVABITCH!!! YOU BETTER THINK ABOUT IT BAY-BEH!!!" :tickled:
OK so it looks like we're back to CD-R territory. So what have we got lined up for NAD thus far...

Strange World
Phantom of the Opera
To Tame a Land
Flight of Icarus
Losfer Words
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Sea of Madness

Good to go? :cool:

EDIT: By the way, the first five tracks are sung by Paul D'iAnno, and the rest by Bruce our Lord and Master.