A stupid question


New Metal Member
Jul 26, 2003
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I've got a real stupid question about Amon Amarth. ;-)

What does the Name mean and how to pronounce it? I looked up both words in an English dictionary but I didn't found anything. I think it's possible that "Amon" conforms to the First Name Amon. But I'm not sure at all.

i always assumed it was pronounced aMON aMARTH. can you say it 5 times fast? amon amarth means mountain of doom in elvish. its from tolkein's lord of the rings trilogy.

nice name by the way.....lolomfgdalhjasdugfij
M. said:
i always assumed it was pronounced aMON aMARTH

amon amarth means mountain of doom in elvish. its from tolkein's lord of the rings trilogy.

Thanks! If it is one of the "Tolkien-Amons" (I just rembered "Amon Dîn" - hoping the Names are the same in German as in English) it is no problem to pronounce the Name in that way I pronounce all the strange Tolkien-Names. :)
I wasn't shure if "Amon Amarth" has an special pronounciation because I didn't know that it is a name form the Lord of the Rings-Trilogy.

But one question: Do you pronounciate the "a's" in the name like the letter "a" or short like in the word "anything" for example.


What? :loco: ;-)

Manuel, I hope there are no problems to understand my English.
M. said:
i always assumed it was pronounced aMON aMARTH. can you say it 5 times fast? amon amarth means mountain of doom in elvish. its from tolkein's lord of the rings trilogy.

nice name by the way.....lolomfgdalhjasdugfij

while tolkien never published a true elvish dictonary its is assumed that all elvish must be pronounced very delicatly(its not a guttral language). in this case the form of elvish is vaelerin(sp?) which is somewhat of a harder tounge than regular elvish so usualy it is prounounced amon but i have also heard it pronounced ay-mon as in bay. tolkien took elvish from ancient finnish so you might find some better pronouncation stuff with the few people who still know ancient finnish last time i checked it was one and he was training one.but their in finland. if you must know i know this because i studied elvish for awhile so i could have a language that only i would know.
Over Broen said:
in this case the form of elvish is vaelerin(sp?) which is somewhat of a harder tounge than regular elvish so usualy it is prounounced amon but i have also heard it pronounced ay-mon as in bay.

I pronounce it that way, as in ay-mon ay-marth. Also i have one friend who is a rediculous tolkien nut(the kid basically has the books memorized and knows way too much about everything in the books), pronounced Amon the same way i do, so i guess i guessed right on the pronunciation haha.
In my copy of the Silmarillion, it shows you how to pronounce many elvish words. I don't remember if Amon Amarth is among them, but looking throught here should tell you how it's supposed to be pronounced.
I see, I'm not the only one here, who isn't really shure, how to pronounce the name correctly. :grin:
But if Tolkien took Elvish from ancient Finnish, I would say the right pronounciation is "uh"-Mon, because "Aymon" is a very English pronounciation. ;-) In any case nobody is really shure. :p
