A symphonic black metal band from China!!

wow... this is surprisingly good. It doesn't really sound Chinese in any way (except for some parts of Star Of Fatality), not that I would mind if it did. Putting a couple songs on my mp3 player
your username is funny :)

I look forward to checking this band out when I'm not at work. Always nice to see metal escaping from behind the Great Firewall.
Er....ok...ive mistaken...
and i always think about if a band dont have anti-chirstian background, are they truely black metal? or only on the formal without soul?
btw, the firwall sucks~
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Black metal is about the revival of old European Pagan ideas.
WTF can a bunch of Chinese guys know about that?

If you aren;t white then you aren't a black metal band. Simple as that.
Varg Vikernes , Hellhammer and Rob Darken have all said so.
Black metal is about the revival of old European Pagan ideas.
WTF can a bunch of Chinese guys know about that?

If you aren;t white then you aren't a black metal band. Simple as that.
Varg Vikernes , Hellhammer and Rob Darken have all said so.

this is kind of true. There's nothing wrong with admiring another culture's traditions though
What language are they vocalizing in? Because it's coming out like most every other Black vocalist to me...regardless of language. These tracks actually sound pretty damn good though.

If you aren;t white then you aren't a black metal band. Simple as that.
Varg Vikernes , Hellhammer and Rob Darken have all said so.

So then what is this?

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So then what is this?

You Tube

That's shit. But yes, there is a lot of great black metal coming from Asia for example. Sabbat made black metal when most 2nd wave bm-dudes were still sucking their mom's tits. Blasphemy too has a black member, and it doesn't make the band any less black metal (haha).