A taste of extreme divinity || New album

hoff ich doch. ich bin schüler und hab nur das geld,d as ich vom zeitungen austragen hab aufm konto, und besagtes ist momentan leer, da ich mit paar freunden die letzten tage im urlaub war. am ende krieg ich das album nich, weil sie nix abziehn können
Okay, for all of us who don't speak a lick of spanish? ? ? :lol:

would be actually to be known also well times, what nu actually exactly drinn is in the box set. a picture gives ' s already, but further information does not have those naturally. hope still for ne dvd… as with arrival the box. but naja… wave lake

Thus direct debit ziehn always as fast as possible off

hope I nevertheless. I am pupil and have only the money, D as I of newspapers deliver have oversize account, and mentioned is momentarily empty, since I with few befriend the latter meet in the vacation was. to end to war I the album nich, because they cannot do nothing abziehn

Something of that sorts! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Btw, german translated to english is funny when some shortforms of words or phrases are used which babelfish simply can't translate or doesn't know. :D
"wave lake", sure... :D
i was only kidding bout the language being spanish "shadow"?

Anyways back on topic! ! !

Does anybody have any other details about the boxset? I mean is there something else included that makes this special? ? It sure looks cool on the Nuclearblast website! I'd like to order but NB takes too long to ship to the US. Hopefully some other vendor will sell this.

i cant believe it, ive even lost the affirmation email :zombie:
normallay i keep all the mails, that are no spam.

where can i look at the boxset btw? ive only seen a cover