a thread about threads


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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well not really, but I've never posted so much in my life nor have I have ever seen such fast replies in my life. I think right now, it's me, Ty and Brat all replying to one another. Are we gonna throw an Anthrax record release party or WTF???
For some reason, I can't remember where I was when I bought any of my Anthrax albums. I just remember buying them all the day they came out. I have a fucked up a memory, what can I say?
I remember buying Stomp, but that's it, I can't remember the others. Not that I was partying or anything, I was probably on my way to work or on a break (I worked around the corner from a music store-woo-hoo!!). I also remember wishing I had brought SOMETHING to the hospital with me when I had my son, I was soooo bored. I will have to hook myself up next time, hospital TV sucks. There was a playoff hockey game though, but it was only three hours long :( (I know, Louse, you'd have fallen asleep halfway through, we HEARD YOU :lol: ). Oh wait I remember buying Killer A's a couple of months ago at Virgin, I found the DVD the same day at Fry's. Only took two years. :rolleyes:
I can remember getting Fistful of Metal/Armed and Dangerous on cd. It was today. I haven't heard Fistful in so long as I lost my copy ages ago. Glad to have it back in the collection.