Time to lock this thread, too


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
A question for the mods: what's up with locking the recent Billy Milano thread? I didn't post on it myself, nor do I really care about Billy one way or the other, but I'm wondering why the double standard when it comes to censoring threads here? Case in point, 3 recent threads: "Fuck Metallica", "Ozzy Osborne: Prince of Clowns", and "What's the deal with Billy Milano?". Two are threads that outright bash another artist right from the start(perhaps deservedly, but that's an opinion), and they remain open and active. The third isn't specifically intended to bash, though granted does get a few bashing comments in the replies, but it gets shut down by the mods (even though the whole while Billy has an entire site pretty much dedicated to bashing members of Anthrax and their fans).

If you don't want posts that bash Billy, can't you at least just delete the offending posts but keep the thread alive for the ongoing discussion?

Inquiring minds want to know before this thread gets shut down, too. :p
You rule NFF!! I don't understand it either. MODS have been a little overzealous when it comes to locking threads lately. I mean people are able to sit and bash the reunion and the reunion lovers are able to bash people who like Bush but none of those threads get locked. I mean, there are quite a few(actually,thousands:p ) threads that either love the reunion or hate the reunion and that directly deals with Thrax but none of those get locked. If you mention Billy though, god forbid.
My guess is The band wants to take the more mature stand point and not participate in Billy's games. Yes, what we say does not represent the band's opinion - but by not having these threads they eliminate themselves from the whole thing.

It's different from Metallica and Ozzy because SOD and Billy are personal.
Good question nafnikufesin.
I don't know about the selection process of which threads get to stay. I approve of locking or deleting bitch threads when everyone is just calling each other names. I'm not saying I don't enjoy reading a good argument when there is a point, but many of these threads have no substance. I guess the mods can do whatever they like, lately they have been announcing the lock. Thats cool. Do you think it would be better if they spelled out the reason why?
I'm sure it's because the guys in anthrax couldn't care less what billy says to embarrass himself and don't want to be associated, even on their forum, with him. They just take solice in the fact that they can just go into whatever taco bell billy is working at and tell him "extra cheese on those enchiladas, fatass, and don't take a bite, either".
Looking back Thra:rofl:ude did explain it:
"I closed that thread because I felt that we don't need any of that bullshit on this board. It's been an issue that keeps getting stirred up and it needs to end.
If you want to talk about Billy, go get banned from his site.
One of the rules here is "no shit talking/ trolling". I have nothing against LORD G. and nothing against Billy. But this shit is so fucking old. That's why I closed the other thread.
And that's why I'm closing this thread..."

Thats cool, not only did he take credit for doing it he explained why. Thanks Thra:rofl:ude here is your prize:
Bleearg said:
Thra:rofl:ude here is your prize:

How old is she 14-15? so anyway, any one remember the memorable lyrics from this boards favorite band?

Scott aka Mr. wu said:
4. Starting Up A Posse


Now I'm gonna tell you a story
A tale of wrong and right
And freedom is the reason
You can't take it without a fight

[Verse 1]

So now I'm startin' up a posse

( Suck my dick, suck my dick )

To come and look for you
We're gonna put a stop
To what you want to do
You fuckin' whores ( you fuckin' whores )
Our message ain't right
You say where gonna label records
So our kids can grow up right
You fuckin' whores ( let then deside )
That's all you are


Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, grugl, rape
These seven words you're trying to take
Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, grugl, rape
Right or wrong it's our choice to make
America the beautiful, land of the free
Don't change the words to land of hypocrisy
[Lead ( Scott )]

[Verse 3]

Now I'm startin' up a posse ( fascistscum, fascistscum )
And we'll damn sure maul you see
Something that off ends you
May not be offen side to me
You fuckin' whores ( you fuckin' whores )
That's all you are
Now you might take offence
To a word like " Fuck " or " Shit " ( Dick ! )
But you fuckin' don't have the right ( Cunt ! )
To descriminate me for saying it's
You fuckin' whores ( you fuckin' whores )
That's all you are


[Verse 5]

So now I'm startin' up a posse ( nother fucker, nother fuck )
To right for freedom of choice
To fight for freedom of speech
We're gonna make you hear our voice

[Verse 6]

And now i don't do this to show you
( That's the end, that's the end )
I don't do this for spite
You've got the choice don't buy it, don't read it
And don't say your opinion's right
You fuckin' whores ( you fuckin' whores )
That's all you are ( cunty, cunty, cunty, cunt )

[Verse 7]

You know you can't censor my feelings
You can't censor my thoughts
Censorship's against, everything America
Stands for

You fuckinores ( let us decide )
That' all you are ( and this ain't sexist after )


So censorship is ok, if it hurts anthrax, yet Anthrax wrote a song about it and how wrong it is. Its starting to sound like the Scott and Charlie have rubbed off on the Mods here, say one thing and do another.
Hawng said:
So censorship is ok, if it hurts anthrax, yet Anthrax wrote a song about it and how wrong it is. Its starting to sound like the Scott and Charlie have rubbed off on the Mods here, say one thing and do another.

Not this tired, old, illogical argument again.
Censorship is something governments do. Anthrax, contrary to popular belief, is not a government. It holds no coercrive power over anyone posting here. They pay for this board, so they're pretty much free to do whatever the fuck they want with it. When a movie theater asks someone to shut up during a movie, that's not censorship. When the police stop someone from spray painting a wall, that's not censorship either. People have the right to dispose of their own property how they see fit, for the most part. Anyone else is free to get their own website or message board to discuss in great detail the supposed Billy Milano/Anthrax conflict. Anthrax won't stop you.
jdelpi said:
Not this tired, old, illogical argument again.
Censorship is something governments do. Anthrax, contrary to popular belief, is not a government. It holds no coercrive power over anyone posting here. They pay for this board, so they're pretty much free to do whatever the fuck they want with it. When a movie theater asks someone to shut up during a movie, that's not censorship. When the police stop someone from spray painting a wall, that's not censorship either. People have the right to dispose of their own property how they see fit, for the most part. Anyone else is free to get their own website or message board to discuss in great detail the supposed Billy Milano/Anthrax conflict. Anthrax won't stop you.
Did someone send you an invitation? nobody asked you to post the same boring shit like
Not this tired, old, illogical argument again.

But I belive it all boils down to beliefs. Now did Anthrax write that song because they belive people should be free to speak their mind or did they write it because they knew it would make them a few bucks by putting it on a half assed, thrown together album and selling it to angry teen age kids who were all about being able to hear the music they want to hear?
jdelpi said:
Not this tired, old, illogical argument again.
Censorship is something governments do. Anthrax, contrary to popular belief, is not a government. It holds no coercrive power over anyone posting here. They pay for this board, so they're pretty much free to do whatever the fuck they want with it. When a movie theater asks someone to shut up during a movie, that's not censorship. When the police stop someone from spray painting a wall, that's not censorship either. People have the right to dispose of their own property how they see fit, for the most part. Anyone else is free to get their own website or message board to discuss in great detail the supposed Billy Milano/Anthrax conflict. Anthrax won't stop you.
Did someone send you an invitation? nobody asked you to post the same boring shit like
Not this tired, old, illogical argument again.

But I belive it all boils down to beliefs. Now did Anthrax write that song because they belive people should be free to speak their mind or did they write it because they knew it would make them a few bucks by putting it on a half assed, thrown together album and selling it to angry teen age kids who were all about being able to hear the music they want to hear?
Hawng said:
Did someone send you an invitation? nobody asked you to post the same boring shit like

But I belive it all boils down to beliefs. Now did Anthrax write that song because they belive people should be free to speak their mind or did they write it because they knew it would make them a few bucks by putting it on a half assed, thrown together album and selling it to angry teen age kids who were all about being able to hear the music they want to hear?

Nobody sent me an invitation. Your point?

I'm sure they believed in what they wrote, but people only release albums to sell them.
Hawng said:
How old is she 14-15? so anyway, any one remember the memorable lyrics from this boards favorite band?
I think she is about 25 since she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in psychology from Harvard University in 2003. Damn, do you think I'm posting kiddie porn. I think Nat is gorgeous.
Bleearg said:
I think she is about 25 since she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in psychology from Harvard University in 2003. Damn, do you think I'm posting kiddie porn. I think Nat is gorgeous.

think about the children dude....the children
Who says it's censorship? Anthrax isn't banning you from walking down the street bashing Milano or Anthrax. This is a message board owned by Anthrax, you can't go to a newspaper and demand to put what you want into their paper, that's not censorship if they don't do what you want. If Anthrax doesn't want to associate with Billy, then fine, they can have the threads locked. It's not censorship either.
Riehlthing said:
Oh, and also, you can even bash Anthrax and the reunion, and thread doesn't get locked.
Yet when you even type the name Billy Milano, the thread gets locked.

Remember, SOD without Billy is Anthrax. the two will always be related.
Hawng said:
Yet when you even type the name Billy Milano, the thread gets locked.

Remember, SOD without Billy is Anthrax. the two will always be related.

Well, Billy has called Charlie's wife a "cunt" and has referred to her "shitting out a kid." Perhaps you find this acceptable behavior for a grown man, but I don't. So people argue about tons of things on this message board owned by Anthrax and say things that are quite critical, but Mr. Milano is not an acceptable topic.