A Very Important Video to See

With our short,transitory lives,i am still amazed at mans' monolithic arrogance.His unmitigated gall to take the world upon his frail shoulders.Believing the meager iniquities of the existence of the human race,and how it may trespass upon a thing;a thing to which we are nothing more than a moment,a blink of an eye,in its cosmic lifespan.....Burning all the fossil fuels all at once:200 years,the plastic bag upon the ground:500 years,the massive tempered steel structures:1200 years,all out nuclear warfare and complete decimation of everything:50,000 years.To the earth,less than the blink of an eye.Our lives: 73 years.

The earth/galaxy/universe will continue on,indifferent of what we do.This plight for the earth is for ones own self.And the bed YOU lay in,the widow YOU look out or the self that YOU loathe.

I wonder if the creatures that dominated the earth during the 77 million years during the cretaceous period would have took upon themselves such a burden if they had the sentience to do so.I hope not ,because it wouldnt of mattered.Just time wasted in their short,transitory lives.So i must part sharply here with you Alec...........I only have 39 years left.

Except the way that man destroys his environment isn't a function of human agency, but the ability of sentient beings to harness the power of the world around them.

Human beings, at a push of the button, can irreperably destroy the planet's overall ecosystem. They can do that because they understand how to harness to power of atoms. It's not arrogance. Earth is just a rock floating around the sun, and destroying the life that lives on its surface is not difficult. The conditions for life are fragile. Human concern for its ecosystem is selfish, but it is nonetheless a logical concern. Dinosaurs living 77 million years ago never developed the capacity to ask themselves the questions you think human beings are arrogant for considering. Whereas the human race is still around in 77 million years is uttely dependent on grim chance, but we'd be completely doomed, like our reptilian friends, if we did not at least have the capacity to reason that although life on earth is a flash of dawn, it doesn't mean our existence isn't historically meaningful. At least within the context of our ability to use whatever resources at our disposal to ensure the survival of humanity (or to literally destroy what's around us).

I would think resignation to extinction is more counter-intuitive than acting to ensure survival.
That is probably the most ridiculously egocentric way of seeing environmental problems (and other types) that I've ever heard of. As you seem to put it, you don't care if our children will be living in some kind of shitty post-catastrophy blown out world where murderous world conflicts are the norm. All that matters to you is the way *you* live. The bed bed YOU lay in, the window YOU look out and the self that YOU loathe. And don't you dare apply those things to me, projection of one's own problems upon other people is a common pathology, I suggest you get checked by a shrink.

You might as well just blow your brains out right now and rid our species' gene pool of such nonsense. And I sincerely hope that reincarnation is a fact, just so you can be born again in a few decades to enjoy the fruits of your own egocentric attitude. The best thing I can wish you now is a quick death.


My own viewpoints are moot.As an objectivist i try to see the universe as it is,rather than how it should be.And thanks for responding Naglfar,i enjoy greatly all viewpoints.And you did grasp the scope of my many points.Yet i think it was a "forest through the trees" kind of grasp.One of the many points there-within was that of our own mortality and our ability to affect it.You correlated that our being sentient and able to persuade the diminutive happenings on our world,is somehow more powerful than nature.Unfathomably arrogant.That brief 77 million years of billions,where those unthinking mutations of long distant branch-chain amino acids ruled.Where natural selection gave no pittance for the need of an intellect.Still yet able to dominate though the basic machinations of nature.Does not the majesty of their brief existence humble you Naglfar?To know that mans pitiful foray on this earth,guided by natural selection,will end far sooner.And lest not forget the cambrian,triassic and others spanning magnitudes of eons past our own.Do you also think that their existence had no ill effect upon the planet?Where 98% of all species that ever lived where gone before man picked up spear and stone....So knowing this proven superiority of nature,and seeing that we are not at the maturity to move suns and twist the dimensions to our will,are we not only worried about ourselves?Hence the major jist of my original post.But like i said there where many points.And im glad you found some of them.

i guess the vintersorgian lyrics have a capacious effect;once you realize the universe is so big,you understand that your movements are so small.

im enjoying the chat
I think perhaps you're being a bit too existentialist about your irrelevance to the rest of the universe. As a human, you can't really be objective because you have cognitive limits, and your ability to reason is based on your subjective reasoning. Applying logic does not make you objective, because you're inevitably going to be biased, even at the most simple level that you have a brain, eyes, ears, mouth, and you have formulate judgments based on your ability to gather information from your senses. Human beings might strive for objectivity, but they are hopelessly subjective.

That being said, existing for a small speck of time relative to the rest of the universe doesn't decrease the relevance of the destruction of your immediate environment to you, unless you're content being resigned to extinction because you view life as futile in light of time and space. While Earth could get hit by a meteor in 200,000 years and the human race be wiped out, what matters to people living in 2007 is that in 50 or so years the human race could wipe itself out by destroying the environment that allowed its species to grow and prosper. That, fundamentally speaking, is the source of concern of humanity. Not a sense of omnipotence or relevance in the face of nature, but rather, the recognition that nature can undo us just the same as we undo it in smaller ways (that remain big to us, because we can't survive if they change).
Thanks for responding guys.And first to Naglfar,i prefaced my objectivism with "try" because im quite aware of my limits.And Alec i did not mean to derail the topic.My first post was directly to it...and well you see where we are now,with the knee-jerk personal insults and all.

Now i might just indulge this nonsense;whom the author of the video could find no one(outside his drum circle i gather)that could poke a hole in his theory.Which it isnt really a theory is it.Since a theory is more like a scientific law than a hypothesis. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers. One cannot create a theory; he can only create a hypothesis.And the author,wisely knows that what he speaks is completely unproven and untested,so he uses the terminology "arguments that lead to a conclusion"...heh.In the scientific world we call this BS.So,back to the shrinking ozone sized holes in his argument.

1.His ..ahem..argument faulted right from the get-go.For if his conclusions where inescapable.Then the hardened skeptic and the panicked activist wouldnt be having this discussion now,would we.
2.The childish "well just in case" solution of just taking the first emotional action prescribed by either side of the debate...ends debate.Lets give the right to lifers the same power of preconcluded arguments shall we.It would really make that whole question of "when life begins" moot.Care to take this delusional reasoning into social,economic,geo-political realm?
3.The puerile,4 possibility only matrix was hilarious......
3a.2 choice,2 outcome control variable world supplied by acme lol
4.Trying to inoculate himself from contention by saying that "no one can know for absolute certainty...";charlatans have more guile and dont give their feelings,that they find inescapable and terrifying,before they say that they have no dog in the fight.
5.This is fun
6.This fellow,who just said that know one knows with absolute certainty what the world will do,admits that all reasonable people might be wrong in their understanding of the issue,then quantifies and qualifies 2 certainties and 1 inevitable outcome if things arent done his way.Reason has left his argument,without out even getting to the marrow of his argument.
7.Box 1...he either doesnt understand,obfuscates,or is ignorant of the implication of a global depression of that magnitude.Mabey China will stop building 3 coal firing plants a day.And let the 11 to 19% growth of its economy fault,and send its hundreds and hundreds of millions of 2 males to 1 female government regulated births back to the fields and tuck all that new discovered power back into a rice patty.Is this moron literally retarded.The monster China(whos general has already said it will take on the USA when it is ready) and its voracious hunger are held at bay by the consumer relationship with the west,and its massive investment in US bonds and dollar.WHEN THAT PRETENSE IS GONE ITS WAR.And the race for more resources in this catastrophe of box 1 will end in the utter annihilation of what resources are left,at a rate of 100 fold of what it is now.Does he think the Danes will let their country be swallowed by the sea,the russians loosen their grip on both the polar caps,or the american citizen go without ANYTHING?Politicians in their bid to keep us happy and them their power would strip mine the earth to its core if they had to....so if you are up for an east vs. west free-for-all for plunder and control,choose box 1.
8.Box 2 ,this option clearly the oddball seems like it would still get the smiley face if "true" and "false" where switched.But that would really screw up his premise of do something just in case.
9.Box 3 is good in its conception.But this is not a democratized world.Where we can all agree on and implement methods of conservation,research,regulation,preservation and just plain old good stewardship of our home.The mid east cannot stop the flow of oil,for the ruling families would perish and cast the region back into the hands completely into the hands of the mullahs.Think there is a problem now?Wait till then.China will never abide by any treaty that would stifle its fearsome rise to global hyper-power.Its natural resource needs alone will dwarf that of the west in a few years.Perhaps you could have a sit-in at Tiananmen Square?And i doubt those countries like Malaysia and Viet Nam and India will hit the breaks on development,and relegate the people just crawling out of the 19th century to satisfy 1.5 degrees.But without question,the hostile socialist countries would agree to such things.For it would equal the field(in their minds) with the proven dominator of politcal systems:capitalism.These hostile countries can say anything and sign anything without fear of reprisal from the plebiscite.
(Amazing what state-run media and bureaucratic control from top to bottom of civil life can do huh Chavez,Jong Il,et al).
10.Box 4 and granting extremes...umm ok.Since his box 1 did not even cover the extreme(i didnt either,i just gave a veridical conclusion).But for fun we will use it as the extreme.hehe The counter-point in box 4 would go from "Econ Pol Soc Enviro Health catastrophies" to the earth blows up like the death star.His box 1 seemed palpable to the horror of 4.But with a better understanding of the actuality of 1,4 would have to correspondingly grow in aspect to keep its horror factor.
11.Asking the choir to think outside his box and add intermediates and complexities to the dichotomies and come to a different conclusion is like asking a parishioner at a southern baptist revival to study the necronomicon to find fault with the bible.C'mon.
12.Concluding to himself now.Unknowingly sounding silly and obstinate,he still thinks no one could poke holes in his arguments. =)

...this is more fun than the new crysis demo i put off to write this.
and yes Naglfar i was purposefully being inordinately existentialistic for the sheer fact altering global climate through good intent would probably take a little astral travel.So why stop there right?
and Alec i am a fan of Nietzsche also....I wonder if during Hegel's and Nietzsche's discussions,if Nietzsche rebutted with ad hominems and refuted with suggestions of suicide.
Im absolutely sure i won.Isnt that the reason why we debate among ourselves.To see who has the best grasp of the issue,and let that person decide policy....it would be absurd to do the opposite.

No ill feelings.

But i would like to know where Mr.V stands upon this issue and all others.But i completely understand why delving into politics and religion is best left to those with no friends to lose or family to offend.