Global Warming: just a myth?

Necuratal, I hope you don't eat steak. Because if you do it might mean your a hypocrite.

Check out this article on what really contributes to Global Warming:

I just found this and couldnt take the time to read though much of it but wanted to say..... something

First I dont give a shit what any scientist says one way or the other. They are educated idiots and most likely have an agenda one way or the other, most of which is MORE FUNDING for more research.... which tanslates to MORE MONEY for me to take home and live in luxury, which translates to JOB SECURITY and need to show the world ones SELF IMPORTANCE

So I base my feelings about it on what I have seen transpire in over the course of my life. I live in N.E. U.S. and have worked outside year round my entire adult life. During the 60's(kid), 70's (teen/young man) and 80's there was little change. Winters were well below freezing, many weeks of zub zero, typically in the teens with a few day streachs from 20 - 30F below. In the summer mid 80's would be hot. This started to change in the 90's. We had winters where freeze never really came and stayed, summers started getting hotter. But the late 90's and now this decade it was not uncommon to be working outside in Nov & Dec in tee shirts and we are seeing many summer streaches well into the 90's, mid and high nineties in fact.

This is what happened beginning in the late 80's thru today

heavy deforestation and buring(HEAT) of the tropics
massive population explosions
industrialization of non regulated countries
which led to
better economies in those countries
which led to
massive use of oil in those countries

I know nothing about OZONE so Ill leave that up to speculators. I know the sun is much more brutal on the skin today than it was just 20 years ago.

I also know this
I can keep a small tent above freezing in the cold of the winter with one wax candle. If me and my candle represent the population and the tent- the world..... the tents got to many candles burning in it and its getting hot.

Moral of the story...... pull that fucking thing out boy and spew it on her belly, face, down the throat, anywhere but! we dont need more people, driving cars, mowing lawns, blowing leaves, riding four wheelers, heating and cooling their houses because our entire society is based on burning oil which creates heat. From cutting, transporting & sawing the dwindling supply of trees for houses & GUITARS to smelting the steel and fabricating the PLASTIC to build and transport all those fancy products we simply MUST have.
------------- DUH!
to build and transport all those fancy products we simply MUST have.

Must have or DO YOU WANT to have? Basic needs of a human being are shelter, food, clothing and medicine, the rest is extra to feel CONFORTABLE not ESSENTIAL for surviving.

Your contemp for scientists gave me the idea that you didn't went to college, didn't you? :Smug:

NP: Skyclad - R'vannith
no I was to "stupid" to join the squadron of profound leaders "changing the face of the globe" I opted for independant thought.
:lol: So I take it you did and feel that college = genious ?

I just feel everyone has an angle, which can be bought, the governments of the world certainly dont need to slow things down so Im sure theres a big push to convince people we are about to enter a new ice age if our cows dont stop farting so its a good thing to explode the population and see how much the old girl can take.
I was wondering...If the Arabs suck millions of liters of oil out of the ground, it must leave huge holes. Can't we fill those up with melted polar ice and just enjoy the global warming???
Naaa, not funny, but it's snowing here and I hate winter, gotta release the stress somewhere...
Austin Powers:Why Won't You Die?!

It's not THAT cold either :p
Ya know, not cold enough to die, not warm enough to live. No Canadian death freeze scenes, just plain wet Belgian melting snow stuff...With passing the 40 years of existance I start to understand the reason why all old people move towards Spain when they retire...But that's off topic. Just waiting for Belgium to heat up now, quickly !!
It's not THAT cold either :p
Ya know, not cold enough to die, not warm enough to live. No Canadian death freeze scenes, just plain wet Belgian melting snow stuff...With passing the 40 years of existance I start to understand the reason why all old people move towards Spain when they retire...But that's off topic. Just waiting for Belgium to heat up now, quickly !!

It was in reference to the topic.... I want it to die (as it was a disaster).

We'll have to ask Clammy what a Canadian winter is like. I live in Windsor and until this year, our Winter's have been pretty mediocre (read: warmer than usual).

As the old saying goes "You don't know snow until you need the army to dig your city out".
Well, OMM can say that when he was in school, all they talked about was the Second Ice Age!

Do the numbers. I always do, especially at the craps table.

You can't tell me that you can predict future weather when we've only been keeping records for the last 200 years. How does anyone know if this is just part of a cycle?

Later kids.
Your contemp for scientists gave me the idea that you didn't went to college, didn't you? :Smug:

NP: Skyclad - R'vannith

Yah, me not fond of his "I'm always right and everyone else is wrong" attitude, Wyv. Personally I think scientists that I have met are cool and great people to have conversations with and most are open minded which is the personality trait I like in people. Liberal open minded personalities and not conservative close minded ones.

As for Global Warming, it exists, it could be a cycle but most likely humans accelerated it with it's depletion of natural resources. Another theory that is soley mine that I have not heard anyone say is perhaps the earth and all the planets orbits are moving closer to the Sun? Just a theory.

As for not giving a shit about this issue because we'll be dead if and when it destroys humans. I'm not one of those. I do give a shit because if you love your family then you would care about them be it the family you know now or the future ones. They are your blood and this affects them therefor affects you.

On a personal note, NY is turning into Florida be it slowly. In the 80's we used to have massive snowstorms.Three feet sometimes more. Now we lucky if we get 4 inches. And usually just a couple of "storms" if you can call them that per winter season now. So yes Global Warming exists. What is causing it does not matter (though it does) but to deny is existence is being ignorant and naive. Only Big Business (Oil companies and related companies) wants the world to believe it doesn't exist because it affects their profits.
Liberal open minded personalities and not conservative close minded ones.

I would argue quite the opposite. I've had conversations with both camps and it often seems that conservative people are at least willing to listen to your opinions and ideas, even if they don't agree. Liberals (especially older ones) are so smug in their moral assertions are often closed minded to dissenting ideas.

Another theory that is soley mine that I have not heard anyone say is perhaps the earth and all the planets orbits are moving closer to the Sun? Just a theory.

A lot of scientists are trying to prove the theory of solar output (including that we are closer now). The sun's solar output in the past 20-30 years has been much greater than in the post-war years, hence the increase in warming. There are also theories about particulate matter in the air and how it both increases warming and blocks out the suns rays.

On a personal note, NY is turning into Florida be it slowly. In the 80's we used to have massive snowstorms.
Yes, it's been warming across much of the US, other places have actually experienced cooling. This year in Windsor we've experienced a dramatic increase in snowfall from the past 15 years and this is been a colder than average winter.

Several theories suggest that in about 2020 the suns cosmic rays will be decreasing significantly which may lead us to go back into another "little ice age".

The whole point (which didn't come across) when I posted this topic was that there are many other (Credible - ie. non paid off by Big Oil) theories that point away from Al Gore's assertions in his film (and several of his blatant biases). Why should we spend BILLIONS of dollars to try and stop something that we have little effect and/or control over? We don't have poverty, world hunger, genocides and a multitude of other things fixed, nevermind trying to save the world.
I would argue quite the opposite. I've had conversations with both camps and it often seems that conservative people are at least willing to listen to your opinions and ideas, even if they don't agree. Liberals (especially older ones) are so smug in their moral assertions are often closed minded to new ideas.

The fact remains that people in both camps can be either totally open-minded or absolutely closed.