A Vs. B

i guess that is what is wrong with us :p you love to much, and i hate too much

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^No, it's cuz he's mine. :)


Cannibal Corpse or Bloodbath?


Soilwork or Fear my Thoughts?
Yeah, but...that's the reason for why we can't talk...? ...:(

i really hope you're kidding :erk:

^No, it's cuz he's mine. :)


Cannibal Corpse or Bloodbath?

i'm yours again? :p

and Bloodbath :kickass:

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none of us are from US :p so i can secks her much as i can, or at least till the Gestapo find us
on girls: Dyed blonde (aye it's a cliche but yeah)

Guys who dye their hair blonde are faggots.