Fine. It's currently 16-13 to Bathory with the following people considered valid voters:
MajestikMøøse, En Vind Av Sorg, fotmbm, One Inch Man, IOfTheStorm, lurch70, Erik, Chromatose, Crimson Velvet, Russell, Lutz, J., Vilden, Nate The Great, Carbonized, General Zod, Random Beard, Demonspell, KILL TULLY, Doomcifer, Thanatopsis123, Demilich, Dark One, Henrik Main, ProgMetalFan, spaffe, JayKeeley, Pyrus, jimbobhickville, Opeth17, Ellestin, Dev, Décadent.
Whom of those do you want do have removed for not being "regular" enough? Hmm, Vilden perhaps? Lutz (though he posts in pretty much ONLY this forum for the last few years?) Oh fine, two votes gone. Bathory's still ahead by one. Now can we PLEASE get on with this already? You're very vehement in trying to fuck the results up, but I will do what I can to keep it as accurate as possible, so I'm not going to be swayed by not-so-clever word twisting. Sorry.