A Vs. B

^ if its a good job, like game design, then job.
but at this age study, cuz i dont think i can find a good job at this age...

watercolour or charcoal?
It depends on if Scrubs is on or not.

Running and hiding from impending doom, or taking it like a man?
If there's rules, I'll break them, but if there aren't any, I'll make 'em.

And I'm not gonna stab something in the testicles when that something doesn't have testicles to stab, nor would I stab it in the first place.

POSTJUMPER!!!!!!!!!1 :mad::mad::mad::mad:

If it's a sport that's not hockey with people who are actually good at it, I'll watch people play. If it's a non-sports videogame, then I play.

Tits or GTFO?
^omg this is bullshit
and dude thats an amazing sig :lol:

damn postjumped again XD

i'd go with insane

hat or no hat?