A weird request: Metal with Sax?


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
Just curious of how many metal bands you know that use a sax extensively. The new Solefald uses it quite a bit, but I find the album kind of boring past the first song sadly. I know Dream Theater uses it a little, but I'm NOT a Dream Theater monkey. Pan-Thy-Monium uses it, and while I love PTM, I'm looking for more of a standard sax sound and not the weirdness that lay within that badass project. ;) Offhand, those are the only three I could think of.


ps. Oh, and LoD,DoD uses it as well I suppose.
Metal bands that use saxophones extensively? Sorry dude... I'd like to tell you, but the list is just so large that if I posted it, it would completely overwhelm the entire ultimatemetal server.
Metal? Can't think off the top of my head, but hard rock...there is the German band Subway that lists a sax as one of the band instruments and they use it in a very cool way (like for a solo) on their cds.
pulling from old school rock n roll...

Foreigner "Urgent" and Fiona's "Talk To Me" have got to be the 2 best sax solos in rock.

Also way back Cinderella had a sax player tour w/ them on the Heartbreak Station tour, I don't have that album to verify if it's in every song or not and honestly can barely remember the show. :kickass:
Most obvious would be Yakuza. Though maybe it's a bit like PTM there, very wild and dissonant.

Sculptured uses a lot of trumpet. I know it's not saxophone, but hey, it's brass!

And of course Estradasphere has (had) tons of saxophone. They're only metal part of the time, but they're awesome, so they deserve mention.
I seem to remember seeing a Queensryche tour where somebody up there (Tate?) was playing sax for some tune that seemed like it would never end...I think it was either the "Promised Land" or "...Frontier" tour. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I think I went for beer during it...
A very cool Australian band called HEAVEN used sax quite a bit on "Where Angels Fear to Tread". Not my fave album by them at all, though. Actually, I hate with utmost intensity any sax in hard rock or metal! Always have and always will. It's just not an instrument that belongs in that style of music. Just my opinion. Rock on to those who love it!
KingsGene said:
I seem to remember seeing a Queensryche tour where somebody up there (Tate?) was playing sax for some tune that seemed like it would never end...I think it was either the "Promised Land" or "...Frontier" tour. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I think I went for beer during it...

I think that was for the title track on PL. there's sax on a couple different songs, IIRC. And then there's The Thin Line from Empire. of which there is a version with even more sax.

I think it's interesting that someone is searching for more sax and we're telling him where to find it. :lol:

Yeah, I have about half this list covered already like the Ulver/Amorphis/Queensryche/Ephal Duath...those aren't really what I'm looking for I guess though...however Ulver comes close on the second track on perdition city...