AA Music Video You'd Like To See Next

Reaping Clarity

The Grimmest Reaper
Sep 5, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Well as you all know, Amon Amarth's first video for the album was Runes To My Memory, so what other songs off WOOOS would you like to see? And sure share your ideas on what could happen in the video.

Well at school right now, for this Media subject we get to make a music video, but we have to create the concept first and present it to the class blah blah. I've chosen to do Hermod's Ride To Hel, and the music video would basically be as Johan describes it as he takes on the role of Hermod, I can't actually film it because only the individual part is doing an oral on what will happen in the video. The filming is a group thing, so I had to go with someone elses song, but it would still be cool if I could make it.

I guess another one would be Cry Of The Black Birds, the music would go awseomely with a huge battle scene ahhh I can imagine it now :rolleyes:
I think if Hermods Ride to Hel was done properly it would be an entertaining video. Get actors to play the gods and recite their lines (with Johan's voice of course because its on the track). I think it would be fucking cool.
Cry of the Black Birds or WOOOS, definately

If done properly of course. Because while I love watching the guys play and bang head, I wanna see combat!
Valhall Awaits Me

Including bloody and gory battle scene, of course, I want to see that axe ripped from the skull, covered with blood and brains, and I want to see the bastard scream as a sword is stabbed through him and twisted
L33ch said:
Valhall Awaits Me

Including bloody and gory battle scene, of course, I want to see that axe ripped from the skull, covered with blood and brains, and I want to see the bastard scream as a sword is stabbed through him and twisted

"Under the Northern Star", b/c it rocks and combined with the "Runes To My Memory" video it helps show the diversity of Amon Amarth's sound...
The Bringer said:
I think if Hermods Ride to Hel was done properly it would be an entertaining video. Get actors to play the gods and recite their lines (with Johan's voice of course because its on the track). I think it would be fucking cool.

I agree,this is by far one of the most emotional and meaningful songs they have done as far as I am concerned,especially from a lore based standpoint.....this song moves me like no other they have done, I wish I knew why but I think I have an idea..........T , help me out on this one, lol.....

gut wrenching, but at the same time absolutely beautiful, from the music to the lyrics. If it does not touch or move you, you arent alive.........

Tomasz said:
no vidoe can justify such music and emotions, screw videos

I could not have said it better. It is my opinion that it cannot be properly relayed and portrayed but it would however be nice to try.............

PaganThunder said:
Victorious March and the title track Amon Amarth need film clips before anything else!

Agreed, Amon Amarth is an amazing song and it is one of those ones that just "hits me" a certain way, still will always be my favorite song.
It's got to be Cry of the Blackbirds. It's a perfect single. The title track would be great too.