
dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
This forum is so fucking boring!!!!!!!!Am I just checking here at all of the wrong time-too early or too late-or is it that not many ppl bother to come around here that often?I'm obviously incredibly bored,otherwise I wouldn't have started this totally inane,meaningless thread...Of course that's what I'm good at,isn't it-starting pointless threads about nothing in perticular that might stay on topic for a little while,but just become equally pointless chat threads.Cheers:D
I was checking out the other forums...of course the only other forums I check out are Cannibal Corpse,Opeth,occasionally Anthrax and Iced Earth...but I was the only person there...I was in at 10:30 last night,though.I was surprised that the Opeth forum was empty becuz that's usually where everyone goes-straight to the Opeth board.

Brilliance in boredom,Famous Amos...or it could be boredom in brilliance...
The ppl at the opeth forum, for the most part, are cocks.

This place gets lots of lurkers, 3 or 4 addicts, and then you have the regulars who stop in a couple times a day.

I think you and i would be found in the addict section hhahaha
Yes,I'm definataley an addict:D.There's not much else to do around here.I'll post something on the Cannibal Corpse forum maybe once or twice a week,but hardly that at the Opeth forum.
Amos,you should check out the Cannibal Corpse board,some interesting stuff will happen there evey once in a while.:D
If you dont want it to be boring, start a new post.
I dont think it is thatboring- gives you something to do while downloading.
Originally posted by IcemanJ256
since when did we had an Iced Earth forum?
Ahh,no,my mistake,IN FLAMES!!!For some reason,I get the 2 names mixed up sometimes.I've only gone to the once or twice,when things were gonig slow on this board.

I've also noticed that sometimes I'm the last person to post on a thread before it drifts off into obscurity.:D