...aaaaand I'm jobless.

OOF!! That sucks! What part of the industry are you in? I've been very fortunate working for Mercedes Benz. We keep on selling parts :)
Sorry - That sucks big time. :mad:

According to the rumor mill, next week is NOT going to be a good week at my employer. And, of course, I'm on vacation for ProgPower. I guess if my security badge doesn't work when I get back, that will be a pretty good hint. :erk:

EDIT: Yep, got the news on Thursday while at PP. My last day will be October 9th. I am actually one of the "lucky" ones, as some of the folks who were laid off were escorted out of the building that day. :mad:
Ugh, that sucks!

Last week they gave 60 day's notice to one manager, six supervisors, the facility manager as well as an entire department at my job. The company closed some regions a few years ago, but this was the first layoffs that have closely affected me.

People are still losing their jobs. They no longer have health care and are not going to the doctor unless it's life threatening. Since the doctors are seeing less patients, they are not in need of medical supplies, so don't order as much. The company is also not stocking as much standard product in our regions for immediate distribution. We are not meeting our sales projections and many departments are actually running out of work.
I've been unemployed since March, it sucks. Jobs are hard to find. I've had a handful of interviews but with so many people looking it's tough. I wanted to come back to PP this year but it's not gonna happen. It's also the reason I'm slowly selling off my CD collection for gas money.. ugh.
I built loading equipment for heat-treating facilities. Name a fastener, or nut, or bolt, or screw, or seat belt part, and I've built a system to load that part onto a furnace conveyor. Or a packaging system to put that part into a carton to ship to assembly plants.

While the company has been shifting towards food-grade stuff, they had an engineer already specializing in those machines. They didn't need to shift me over to building those, so might as well lay me off. And after 11 years, they really didn't want to.

Oh well. I'll just have to mooch beers off people if I plan to party this year. Heck, I'm not even able to afford the gas to drive down, my brother Roger and Jeremy are taking my gas costs this year. Sure ain't shopping at the CD tables this year either.... oh well...
To Brian and everyone affected in this thread - I feel your pain. It wasn't known to many last year, but I was unemployed during last year's fest. I got laid off in June 08 when the company I worked for shut the Dallas office down. I had lots of interviews and lots of leads, but I remained unemployed until June this year - it was just rough out there. Fortunately, I have landed a job with a great company and I know I am very lucky to have done so in this economy. I also have a great boss who is giving me Friday off to attend the fest despite not having any vacation time - and she would have given me all three days, but I have a mandatory training class tomorrow and Thursday.

Anyway, Brian, I just wanted to say to keep your chin up and be aggressive in your job search - there is a lot of competition out there, but companies *are* hiring. You're going to have to go above and beyond the normal send a resume/wait for a call just to get an interview these days, but when you get that opportunity make sure to SHOW them why they NEED to hire you over the other candidates. I wish you speedy success in your job search.
For any of you that are jobless and looking, may I make a suggestion, If you are willing to possibly relocate, the company I retired from has over 2,500 open jobs right now. Just go to www.rayjobs.com create a resume, look at the jobs posted, apply, and in about 24 to 48 hours you will get sometype of answer. If the Resume and application are passed on to the next stage, you will be sent a more in-depth application, and they will schedule you for an interview, so give it a try it can't hurt.
I've been unemployed since March, it sucks. Jobs are hard to find. I've had a handful of interviews but with so many people looking it's tough. I wanted to come back to PP this year but it's not gonna happen. It's also the reason I'm slowly selling off my CD collection for gas money.. ugh.

That's no good at all. Selling cd's for gas money is brutal. I know how hard it is though. Living in Pasco / Hernando and trying to get work must be almost impossible.
Keep trying mate and good luck.
B316, I am very sorry you lost your job, man, but I am very happy you'll still be able to join us in ATL this year. Never give up, because you're a winner and winners take all! That also goes for all my jobless brothers and sisters out there. God bless you all! Lord have mercy on the working man!