aaaahhh! You can shoot me for posting this here but...


Apr 20, 2001
Well I believe that Irish people did the right thing bloking the Treaty of Nice now!

Trying to take a closer look at the things around it seems to me that Germany just tries to extend her market as this country exprorts a big number of goodies to the countries of EU. But most of those countries seem to me politicaly and economicaly not so steady though. A thing that probably would cause probs both to EU and them. I'm just affraid that the results wont be so possitive around...

Well I cant tell more right now unless I hear your own opinions! I just cant talking in general.
1. Ireland only voted NO because of the agrary subsidies.

2. Look at Ireland's contemporary situation, and you will see, they have never been better off, and they must thank the EU and the free market for it.

3. Germany has 82 million inhabitants which is about 20% of total EU civilians, in other words, their influence is justified

4. a strong and unified EU is a necessary but not sufficient ingredient for a stable and social Europe. Because
1) Only EURO is an alternative to the US Dollar hegemony
2) only a common European policy can make an end to both financial capitalism beyond edge.
3) In order to fill in ecological themes, competences and responsabilities must be re-divided on a European scale.

COuntries that do not join will make a big mistake, and will find themselves, souvereign and powerless.
Originally posted by Eclipse
1. Ireland only voted NO because of the agrary subsidies.

I can understand that. One of the countird that subsidized and it's not the only one.

2. Look at Ireland's contemporary situation, and you will see, they have never been better off, and they must thank the EU and the free market for it.

As far as I know they made a great progress since they joined in EU. Sure they thank it but they wanna protect their rights, their fears i think of loosing rights that they used to have like the subsidies.

3. Germany has 82 million inhabitants which is about 20% of total EU civilians, in other words, their influence is justified

Yeah indeed it's one of the most influensive but besides Germany, EU has other 14 countries so far! The 20% in some cases cannot decide always for the 80%. Some major problems have been caused due to German politics to the rest of Europe. And believe me one of them was how they hundled the crisis in Yugoslavia back in 1991-92 that forsed the rest of EU to follow their politic line despide the objections and all these came up in Kosovo case. And about that resent crisis, I actually lost my respect for Shroeder and his aubilities.

4. a strong and unified EU is a necessary but not sufficient ingredient for a stable and social Europe. Because
1) Only EURO is an alternative to the US Dollar hegemony
2) only a common European policy can make an end to both financial capitalism beyond edge.
3) In order to fill in ecological themes, competences and responsabilities must be re-divided on a European scale.

Agreed! But dont you think that first Europe must keep steady the situation in the countries that are already members? It's not everything perfectly here. The idea of the common EU policy is still not familiar to everyone. Besides what do you think that EU is going to do with those new countries that are neither economicly and even more politicaly steady! What can i say about Balkans and NorthEast Europe in generaly? Do you think that the policy thing will go on like that? Those counties cant keep proper forms of organisaions and allies that have made with each other. I like the idea of getting those countries connected with EU but not as equal members right now! And believe me some American parties would like a thoughtless extension of EU because it will going to make it collapse in the end. I believe that EU has to move slowly and carrefuly with that. About the "low-politics" scale this can be done without being necessary thei joining in EU. Well Euro is the alternative of $ but it's still not might enough. Do you thing that it's gonna be stronger if those countries join in with the same criterios? Ther are not able to participate the Euro stage yet. Greece's economy is way much better but we have lots of difficulties to reach the other EU countries.

5.COuntries that do not join will make a big mistake, and will find themselves, souvereign and powerless.

Hehe! do you know any country that dont want to join in? East Europe and Cyprus want to participate in it! The problem is that the only Economy of those conidered as quite strong is of the Cyprian democracy, the part that belong to Greeks but this place has other kind of probs. And not sure what is gonna be done about that!
- I said they should join the EU within the first 5 years, not that they should join the Monetary union, which is an entirely different thing!
- COuntries that do not join risk a lot. The UK, if they do not enter the monetary union. The other countries of course aren't ready for it yet.
- Finally, me dear, Countries like Poland and CHeck Republic or Slovania, aren't economically worse than Greece, when they first joined the EU. Not on democratic or economical values.

Just don't mix up the coin with the union.
Originally posted by Eclipse
- I said they should join the EU within the first 5 years, not that they should join the Monetary union, which is an entirely different thing!
- COuntries that do not join risk a lot. The UK, if they do not enter the monetary union. The other countries of course aren't ready for it yet.
- Finally, me dear, Countries like Poland and CHeck Republic or Slovania, aren't economically worse than Greece, when they first joined the EU. Not on democratic or economical values.

Just don't mix up the coin with the union.

-it's not only the economy but politic as well. Well I thought that they wanted to move towards a political union as well and not only a comercial one. Do you think having these countries equal on the highest level wont affect EU in rather negative way sometimes?
-Well they might risk a lot! But that's their own brob at first place. What bothers me about UK is not using Euro or not but the objections that have brought to other decisions that EU wanted to take.
-Nah! there are sure way better that other East Europe countries
Developing fast enough. But dont tell me thatthey already have a strong position yet! Besodes the were never joined in EU. It's different being in the level to join in and joined in! Unless you wanted to mention spain or portugal.

I dont mix the coin and the union. It seems to me that is you that forget there is not only the "coin" and the economy the matter wanted.

ps. Are you a bit sarcastic refearing to me or it is just my idea?(I dont like that "my dear" point sounds too ironic!)
If you think that I put this topic just to pretend that I know the things and show that "I'm smart enough" because I'd spend that semester studying about EE countries you're wrong. I just wanted to hear more opinions about that and not for my coleagues and my professors only that indeed they crossing their fires on this matter. This is not a subject for beeing absolut.

ps2.Hey guys! It's not only Clipsy participating on this bb!