Can anybody find me somebody to love?

It is how you face life that we can change what ever card we are handed!
Xenophobe can you tell me some of good metal bands to listen too? sorry to change the subject
Dude, I know what you meant, and I just didn't "blow you off". I just don't see things like that.

But let's start debating and arguing Philosophy. I mean, someone's bound to be right, and another wrong? heh

Like I said it's like a game of poker... you get a set of cards... AND of course You get to discard some, then draw some more....

Some people just can't help their situations, and get fucked regardless of how hard they may try or not...

LUCK plays a FAR more important role in one's life than anything. Including What you try to make of it.

You're a musician, I'd think you'd see that it works like that in the music business, just like in every facet of life.

Some musicians work their asses off and go nowhere their whole life, struggling to pay essentials, while others just get into it and find whatever they're searching for... drugs, money, happiness, whatever.

I actually have a pretty decent life, though I know some that work their fuckin asses off and get shit... some that do nothing cause they've had it all handed to them...

Good people will be miserable through no fault of their own sometimes... that's just a thing called LIFE.

If you're not born Cripple, with some debilitatind desease, or in a 3rd world country, Mentally RETARDED, or any other number of circumstances, YOU have been dealt a FAIR hand.

Whatever cards you would "draw upon" are better... Proverbially, you're already hold ing three aces...

Anyways, it's pointless to argue this. I'm just a happy son of a bitch, but I see luck and chance play more into life than you do.

Anyways... Moonwitch,

I listen to all sorts of stuff... Death metal, Thrash, Jazz, Classical, Industrial.... really anything but Country, Rap and Nu-metal, though there are songs here and there in those types that I enjoy too. Rarely, but there are a few.
I listen to a unbeilevable aray of music, just so happens I like the woman groups with adatude!
any way thanks again for answering my question.!