yes, I enjoy being a rational person as well

even though people who are 100% against some things (...) confuse me to no end, I one day realized that I can't be 100% against people who suffer from this lack of open-mindedness, because then that makes me just as bad.. so, I let them do their thing, and keep my opinions to myself, rationality will have its day in the spotlight at some point.
J. said:
I mean c'mon, the pill/patch does wonders. Or just keep your legs closed you slut

Come on, you're not serious. You sound like the old 90 year old bleedin' gums grampa complaining about them goshdarnit kids these days. It only takes on course of antibiotics to negate the effects of the pill. Sooner or later, a teen pregnancy is going to happen because guess what? Teenagers are having sex and always will! *gasps*

Dark One said:
I absolutely understand your position about the naivity of youth affecting an entire life - but remember, adoption is an option

It's kind of a flippant response though, no? I mean, the girl has to go full term and then deal with the psychological loss of giving up the child, simply because she knows she can't raise it. Then the child itself grows up in an orphanage/foster home and for the rest of his/her life feels like he/she was abandoned.

I mean, it's completely ridiculous for some neutral individuals (who aren't even personally involved!!) to make the be-all end decision on that girl, her life, her pregnancy, and then the remaining life of the soon-to-be orphaned child.

With all that said, my interpretation of abortion is tied with getting it done within the first trimester. It is absolutely not close to being a "real person" during those first 12 weeks (when most miscarriages occur), unless of course you believe an acorn is the equivalent of an oak tree.
JayKeeley said:
It's kind of a flippant response though, no?


JayKeeley said:
I mean, the girl has to go full term and then deal with the psychological loss of giving up the child, simply because she knows she can't raise it. Then the child itself grows up in an orphanage/foster home and for the rest of his/her life feels like he/she was abandoned.

I acknowledge that this can happen, but it doesn't mean it will happen. I have two close friends who were adopted that turned out to be fine individuals in my book.

My father was also adopted and he's the best friend I ever had.

JayKeeley said:
I mean, it's completely ridiculous for some neutral individuals (who aren't even personally involved!!) to make the be-all end decision on that girl, her life, her pregnancy, and then the remaining life of the soon-to-be orphaned child.

It's also completely ridiculous and selfish to create life when you don't intend to (knowing full well that it's a potential consequence of your chosen action) and when there are other ways of getting off that feel every bit as good.

JayKeeley said:
With all that said, my interpretation of abortion is tied with getting it done within the first trimester. It is absolutely not close to being a "real person" during those first 12 weeks (when most miscarriages occur), unless of course you believe an acorn is the equivalent of an oak tree.

Point taken, and to a certain extent I agree, but not in cases where the life was intentionally created (whether expected or not). In the cases I refer to above where abortion should be legal, the abortion should absolutely take place in the first 12 weeks if possible.

We're not night and day apart here - there's common ground. :)
Dark One said:
I acknowledge that this can happen, but it doesn't mean it will happen. I have two close friends who were adopted that turned out to be fine individuals in my book.

My father was also adopted and he's the best friend I ever had.

Sure. And not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer.

It's also completely ridiculous and selfish to create life when you don't intend to (knowing full well that it's a potential consequence of your chosen action) and when there are other ways of getting off that feel every bit as good.

Yeah, but it's GOING to happen either way. There is NOTHING to stop pregnancy. Eventually, accidents will happen, no matter how careful you are.

Regardless, my point is this: I'm not understanding how anyone can decide on behalf of SOMEONE ELSE. That part just seems soooooo ludicrous. Shouldn't the woman have the final say? I mean, isn't that the logical answer here?
the amount of babies born every day is an immensely disgusting amount and every birth is one more detriment upon the world.

People will not stop having sex, let abortions happen as much as desired. Desired being the key word, let moral obligations come down to an individual level and not be forced upon by others. Personally I don't care if "oh my god, that 1 week old fetus is going to be the one to cure AIDS" , etc., remarks. If it is going to be forced into a world that no one wants it and it has to live in a tin house with 15 other unwanted children, its not getting anywhere anyway.
JayKeeley said:
Come on, you're not serious. You sound like the old 90 year old bleedin' gums grampa complaining about them goshdarnit kids these days. It only takes on course of antibiotics to negate the effects of the pill. Sooner or later, a teen pregnancy is going to happen because guess what? Teenagers are having sex and always will! *gasps*

THat's fine. Just don't be surprised or shocked or hiding from mommy and daddy when the pregnancy test turns blue.

Teens can have all the sex they want for all I care, just as long as they own up to the consequences when they come a'knockin.

Abortion shouldn't be a knee jerk solution.
god damn nad said:
@all: do shut up.


my sister is a german we adopted. we couldn't be more close if we were blood kin.

and I have a friend who got pregnant in her freshman year in college, she carried the baby to term and then gave it up for adoption. I admire the hell out of her for that but I also realize that it is inherently ridiculous for men to presume to know all the different feelings and opinions that women might have on this subject.
JayKeeley said:
Regardless, my point is this: I'm not understanding how anyone can decide on behalf of SOMEONE ELSE. That part just seems soooooo ludicrous. Shouldn't the woman have the final say? I mean, isn't that the logical answer here?

And the tired old debate comes to a complete full circle right back to the core and base issue of it all. Full on abortion supporters agree with you 100%, Full on pro-lifers are against you 100%. Once again, I'm somewhere in the middle and agree that if a pregnancy is not a woman's fault in the slightest degree, then abortion should absolutely be a free choice to the woman as it's unfair to force her to bear a burden that isn't her fault. If a pregnancy is a woman's fault in the slightest degree, I believe that the life created deserves a chance.

This doesn't mean I'm right, this doesn't mean you're right, it's just our takes on the matter (and I'm also aware that there are tons of circumstances that clould the matter). Right now, as it stands, it is within the law to allow a woman to choose in ALL circumstances, so that being the case, I accept it.

It's a truly endless debate.
JayKeeley said:
It's kind of a flippant response though, no? I mean, the girl has to go full term and then deal with the psychological loss of giving up the child, simply because she knows she can't raise it. Then the child itself grows up in an orphanage/foster home and for the rest of his/her life feels like he/she was abandoned.

I'm adopted, and know very very many people who are adopted as well. The foster home/orphanage is somthing that in this modern age doesn't happen nearly as much as it did in the past, and in most cases adoption is taken care of during the first weaks of life (as in mine, and most other cases). In fact if you know your going to put your child up for adoption as soon as you know your pregnant, then the chances are he/she is going to feel "Abandoned" in an orphanage are slim to none. The waiting lists for couples waiting to adopt a child are not short, and almost every pre-meditated adoption goes well.
that's because you have experienced "weaks of life"
I think adoption is a great thing. when we got my sister she was only three and could only speak german. she was the hit of the neighborhood!!

there were down sides tho...she was so close in age to my youngest brother that there was an instant rivalry and my parents coddled him and could not help by that to somewhat neglect her and that was sad...but she's cool now.

good to hear it worked out for you tho, Tully.
Dark One said:
Once again, I'm somewhere in the middle and agree that if a pregnancy is not a woman's fault in the slightest degree, then abortion should absolutely be a free choice to the woman as it's unfair to force her to bear a burden that isn't her fault.

How would you go about proving whether it was her "fault" or not? Should she stand trial?

If a pregnancy is a woman's fault in the slightest degree, I believe that the life created deserves a chance.

Hmm, I'm not sure what "life" it is you're talking about. It's just a fertilized egg. Likewise, parents don't exactly hold funerals for their dead son or daughter each time they have a miscarriage.

Right now, as it stands, it is within the law to allow a woman to choose in ALL circumstances, so that being the case, I accept it.

Yeah, well not only do I accept it, I just take it for granted and applaud it. Like I said, I'm surprised it's even up for debate, but it concerns me that there are people attempting to change that.

What next? Stopping two gay people from marrying? Each other? :loco:
JayKeeley said:
How would you go about proving whether it was her "fault" or not? Should she stand trial?

No, but it's usually pretty black and white when rape/incest, et al is involved. And I'm not saying we need to institute a system proving whether or not the girl is at fault - I'm just giving my opinion on the matter, which I will state again:

If the pregnancy is the result of consensual sex, no abortion, the result of non-consensual sex, abortion. That is my opinion and I'm not changing it or defending the merit of it again.

JayKeeley said:
Hmm, I'm not sure what "life" it is you're talking about. It's just a fertilized egg. Likewise, parents don't exactly hold funerals for their dead son or daughter each time they have a miscarriage.

My parents held one for my sister when she had a miscarriage three years ago.

JayKeeley said:
Yeah, well not only do I accept it, I just take it for granted and applaud it. Like I said, I'm surprised it's even up for debate, but it concerns me that there are people attempting to change that.

Great for you, that's your opinion and your entitled to it. I accept it and appluad it in certain scenarios, not all scenarios.

JayKeeley said:
What next? Stopping two gay people from marrying? Each other? :loco:

Another debate entirely and I really have no interest in the issue.
hahaha what is this, the morality lounge?

if your pregnancy falls under circumstances a, b, d, f, or q, you may get an abortion. if it happens during a full moon, circumstances b and d are hereby null and void. no competitor coupons please. :loco:
There are Jews in the world.
There are Buddhists.
There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
There are those that follow Mohammed,
I've never been one of them.

I'm a Roman Catholic,
And have been since before I was born,
And the one thing they say about Catholics is
They'll take you as soon as you're warm.

You don't have to be a six-footer.
You don't have to have a great brain.
You don't have to have any clothes on.
You're a Catholic the moment Dad came,

Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

Children: Every sperm is sacred,
Every sperm is great,
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

Little Girl: Let the heathens spill theirs,
On the dusty ground.
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can't be found.

Children: Every sperm is wanted.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.

Mother: Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
Spill theirs just anywhere,
But God loves those who treat their
Semen with more care.

Men on toilets: Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
Women: If a sperm is wasted,
Children: God gets quite irate.

Priest: Every sperm is sacred.
Bride and Groom: Every sperm is good.
Nannies: Every sperm is needed
Babies: In your neighbourhood!

Everyone: Every sperm is useful.
Every sperm is fine.
Undertakers: God needs everybody's.
Male mourner: Mine!
Female mourner: And mine!
Corpse: And mine!

Nuns: Let the Pagans spill theirs
O'er mountain, hill, and plain.
Statues: God shall strike them down for
Each sperm that's spilt in vain.

Everyone: Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.

Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite iraaaaate!