I definitely believe that a rational, objective person can view a situation from different angles and come away with an adjusted point of view.
lizard said:I definitely believe that a rational, objective person can view a situation from different angles and come away with an adjusted point of view.
J. said:I mean c'mon, the pill/patch does wonders. Or just keep your legs closed you slut
Dark One said:I absolutely understand your position about the naivity of youth affecting an entire life - but remember, adoption is an option
JayKeeley said:It's kind of a flippant response though, no?
JayKeeley said:I mean, the girl has to go full term and then deal with the psychological loss of giving up the child, simply because she knows she can't raise it. Then the child itself grows up in an orphanage/foster home and for the rest of his/her life feels like he/she was abandoned.
JayKeeley said:I mean, it's completely ridiculous for some neutral individuals (who aren't even personally involved!!) to make the be-all end decision on that girl, her life, her pregnancy, and then the remaining life of the soon-to-be orphaned child.
JayKeeley said:With all that said, my interpretation of abortion is tied with getting it done within the first trimester. It is absolutely not close to being a "real person" during those first 12 weeks (when most miscarriages occur), unless of course you believe an acorn is the equivalent of an oak tree.
Dark One said:I acknowledge that this can happen, but it doesn't mean it will happen. I have two close friends who were adopted that turned out to be fine individuals in my book.
My father was also adopted and he's the best friend I ever had.
It's also completely ridiculous and selfish to create life when you don't intend to (knowing full well that it's a potential consequence of your chosen action) and when there are other ways of getting off that feel every bit as good.
JayKeeley said:Come on, you're not serious. You sound like the old 90 year old bleedin' gums grampa complaining about them goshdarnit kids these days. It only takes on course of antibiotics to negate the effects of the pill. Sooner or later, a teen pregnancy is going to happen because guess what? Teenagers are having sex and always will! *gasps*
JayKeeley said:Regardless, my point is this: I'm not understanding how anyone can decide on behalf of SOMEONE ELSE. That part just seems soooooo ludicrous. Shouldn't the woman have the final say? I mean, isn't that the logical answer here?
JayKeeley said:It's kind of a flippant response though, no? I mean, the girl has to go full term and then deal with the psychological loss of giving up the child, simply because she knows she can't raise it. Then the child itself grows up in an orphanage/foster home and for the rest of his/her life feels like he/she was abandoned.
lizard said:I think adoption is a great thing. when we got my sister she was only three and could only speak german. she was the hit of the neighborhood!!
Dark One said:Once again, I'm somewhere in the middle and agree that if a pregnancy is not a woman's fault in the slightest degree, then abortion should absolutely be a free choice to the woman as it's unfair to force her to bear a burden that isn't her fault.
If a pregnancy is a woman's fault in the slightest degree, I believe that the life created deserves a chance.
Right now, as it stands, it is within the law to allow a woman to choose in ALL circumstances, so that being the case, I accept it.
JayKeeley said:How would you go about proving whether it was her "fault" or not? Should she stand trial?
JayKeeley said:Hmm, I'm not sure what "life" it is you're talking about. It's just a fertilized egg. Likewise, parents don't exactly hold funerals for their dead son or daughter each time they have a miscarriage.
JayKeeley said:Yeah, well not only do I accept it, I just take it for granted and applaud it. Like I said, I'm surprised it's even up for debate, but it concerns me that there are people attempting to change that.
JayKeeley said:What next? Stopping two gay people from marrying? Each other?![]()