I submit that abortion should be illegal. The more kids there are to abuse the better.
Dark One said:
I'm definitely not one of the "life begins at conception" ultra hardliners or anything - I just think that when it comes to sex people should learn to accept a little more responsibility for their actions without using something like abortion as an easy out safety net.
I don't think anyone supports using abortion as a safety net. That said, it can obviously be exploited as such. I guess the key word here is "responsibility". For instance, if I use a condom and it breaks, should I expect to be saddled with the responsibility of a child?

To me, 99% of this goes back to the Christian right. They hold tight to the book of Jermiah, where a passage states, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." Based on this, and pretty much this alone, they have fought to ban abortion. Personally, I resent being forced to live my life based on the doctrines of some religion to which I do not subscribe. While I understand there are those who oppose abortion based on something other than a Christain belief system, the fact of the matter is, without the Christian right manning the picket lines and funding the pro-life fight, this argumement would have died long ago. Then we'd be free to pick our politicans and supreme court justices based on issues that actually matter to the country.

Obviously, neither of us is going to sway the other, on an issue as heated as this. Just figured I throw my $0.02 out there.

General Zod said:
For instance, if I use a condom and it breaks, should I expect to be saddled with the responsibility of a child?

Again, no - but the condom breaking (obviously something not intended) is a result that you know in advance is indeed a possibility and you have sex anyway. Try the morning after pill (something I'm glad you brought up BTW) or at the very least CONSIDER adoption and give a child that you are responsible for a chance. Or go ahead and get an abortion - I won't stop you, I'll just give you my opinion if it's asked for. I'm not going to bomb any abortion clinics or anything - and those that do are insane I don't care how they try and justify it.

General Zod said:
Obviously, neither of us is going to sway the other, on an issue as heated as this. Just figured I throw my $0.02 out there.

Sure, and as always, I respect your right to have your own view on the issue. Put it this way - if the girl in your relationship had an abortion and you were completely in favor of it, I'm not going to judge and look down on you in any way - I'm simply relaying how I'd feel if faced with someone asking me for my opinion on the issue or if the situation occurred in my own life.
Bump...regardless of your feelings on abortion, I think we can all agree this guy is a supreme dumbass:

Another conservative group, Catholic Priests for Life, acknowledged some senators would challenge Alito's nomination on the grounds that it threatened "so-called 'abortion rights.'"

"But the American people are already deciding that their Constitution does not permit dismembering children," said Frank Pavone, the group's national director.

seriously WTF