About Lionheart Rule/Suck


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Saxoners, look at yourselves, your mad at eachother because you don't like the same albums! You can't continue like this, and don't you get that there will always be a crowd that likes the older stuff of Saxon and another crowd who likes the new stuff? It's so meaningless to do these threads like Lionheart sucks and then respond with the opposite etc. Saxon will change and it has. End of discussion! And remind that what is said here, as in reviews, are personal oppinions, not law.
Damnit, we like the same band, discuss that instead!

Rock on!
Ok But rock the nations was poor. They tried to different then and it didnt work.Yes Saxon have changed the line up.Early 80s was great and it is still great now love new album but then again i would.Just a thought when Saxon stop which Biff seems to say on the Dvd at somepoint soon, do we all stop aswell?
Ive a feeling that this may well be their last studio album, I hope im wrong but I just have a feeling. Maybe the last chapter to the Eagle has Landed (Part 3) and thats that, but like I said, I hope Im wrong.
macc189 said:
Ive a feeling that this may well be their last studio album, I hope im wrong but I just have a feeling. Maybe the last chapter to the Eagle has Landed (Part 3) and thats that, but like I said, I hope Im wrong.

What would make you think that?
Well, apart from the comment made on the DVD, nothing but a feeling really, they seem to be pushing Lionheart more than any recent release and maybe they want a high to end on, I dont know, I just hope Im wrong thats all.
Do you know what Crusader - I agree with you! :) To be honest, I think the likes of Gregger and Sapator are not Saxon fans at all, and have just come on here to be controversial and to try and wind the true fans up. Looks like they are getting what they wanted. In my opinion, the best thing to do is just not take them on and ignore the threads they write on. I can't be doing with attention seekers :Shedevil:
As I said , i've been listening to Saxon since 1982 and have 2 Saxon tattoos done in what, 1997? I came on here to express my dissapointment in a poor album. And as Sapator says, when you dont get Denim and Leather but most of Lionheart, then on our opinion thats a poor show.

I've been lisetning to Lionheart all weekend trying to get into it, but in my opinion, except for WFG, its all filler.

In Dudley, 2years ago? I was up on the stage with Biffer singing to Denim and Leather. Nothing off the new albumn gets anywhere as passionate as that and whwn a band drops that I wonder whats going on. That appears to me to be shooting yourself in the foot.

But Biffers a grown man and can play, do what he wants, so choice is his really
Gregger said:
As I said , i've been listening to Saxon since 1982 and have 2 Saxon tattoos done in what, 1997? I came on here to express my dissapointment in a poor album. And as Sapator says, when you dont get Denim and Leather but most of Lionheart, then on our opinion thats a poor show.

I've been lisetning to Lionheart all weekend trying to get into it, but in my opinion, except for WFG, its all filler.

In Dudley, 2years ago? I was up on the stage with Biffer singing to Denim and Leather. Nothing off the new albumn gets anywhere as passionate as that and whwn a band drops that I wonder whats going on. That appears to me to be shooting yourself in the foot.

But Biffers a grown man and can play, do what he wants, so choice is his really
Gregger - Sorry for tarring you with the same brush as that Sapator person, he has clearly lost the plot completely. Of course you have every right to express your opinion :) You may/may not be interested to know that they did indeed play Denim and Leather at the Wolves gig, I heard it myself via mobile phone :) Paxoman informs me that the setlist for the Wolves gig was very different to the one in London - so all is not lost, they do change the tunes they play, and hopefully everyone is happy :) ... or maybe not :lol:
Sammi are you nuts or something?!
Anyway i think that Lionheart is average that's my oppinion, for me the best song is lionheart witch get's and 8. And YES i am a big Saxon fun. Don't have tattoos but i've always supported them here in Greece and brought by force if i had to 5 to 10 friends of mine to everyshow i was into.
So let me just explain on last time cuz i think you are confused (i hope because your bushing me from the beggining and patience has it's limits you know). In GREECE the funs LIKE THE OLD STUFF!!PERIOD!If Saxon does not do Denim and Leather all HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!And listen to this to my friend.Biff Knows that we are crazy and he always does (well at 95%) the songs that WE like. So when they play here i'll be glad to give you the setlist and see for yourselfs. Yes they may play 8 new songs but they WILL DO DENIM AND LEATHER CRUSADER and all the golden oldies!So if you don't get Devin and leather in your country well that's too bad but i don't give a F*UC cuz i will listen to it in Greece.
I was complaining because instead of 8 new ones we could have the usuall 3-4 and the rest could be, let's say Stallions or Midas Touch maybe (yes,Yes,YEEESSSSS)).
That's all.

P.S. Hope your anger towards me does come from the fact that i hate Manchester United F*CKERS! NORWICH!NORWICH!!!!!
Gregger: I do not question your loyalty to the band or anything, and neither do I seek to get enemies here!
The point of this thread is that we shouldn't argue about this stuff, and focus on the band instead, even if some prefer Denim & Leather in front of Lionheart and vice versa.

Stop this now, it isn't going anywhere.

And Sapator, what's your problem? This is Saxon's forum not a football hooligan's.
Yep - Sammi is right. Biff and the lads played Denim & Leather at Wolverhampton and it was bloody great!
I don't wanna come across all pompus and stuff, but Biff uses a very intelligent, but simple, method of keeping each individual audience happy in regard to the setlist.
He simply assesses the gig as it goes on and acts accordingly. He will get the idea of what songs will go down better than others - leave the choice to him, because he is a Master at it!
This applies to our Greek mates - we are all fans so there is no need to argue. All you have to remember is, if you respond enough (and you will, I know!) Biff will know what is best on the night.
That is such a cool thing! How many other bands work their setlist like that?
Anyhow - it's obvious Biff, Quinny and Co read the forum. Biff said a few things the other night that he could have only got off the forum.
So keep the comments intelligent and productive, as opposed to cynical, and we may all get to be happy!
By the way - 'Motorcycle Man' was a suprize the other night, and it ROCKED!! Classic!
I totally agree with you nightwar about Biff judging what songs work for a show. He will stick in a new song if he thinks the crowd are up for it, or play an old one if he thinks the crowd needs a bit of livening up. He reads a crowd very well, and more often than not will get everybody going crazy. I have said it loads of times before, Biff is the best front man I have ever seen.

If you are reading this Biff, I salute you. (Play 'Sea Of Life' you bastard!) :lol:
Crusader , oooppsss! Well Sammi was toshing me but i didn't know she was a lady! Sooorrryyyy SAmmiiiiii!! :)
Listen we are all Saxon funs but some like the old, so the new and some are in the middle.
It would be great if Biff was chosing the songs on the gig but as you know the lights are pre-defined for the songs so maybe he can change 1 or 2 songs tops!
Anyway, i know i was a but errr how to say it..Enthousiastic in here but it's only because i love the band and i just want to hear the tunes that bring me shivers.
Someone asked my age , am 26 btw. So may comments may look sometimes childish but it's the childish anticipation i have for seing Saxon again and i don't want nothing to go wrong for me and all the Greek funs in the show.
AND THE FRIKIN TICKETS ARE NOT OUT YET! DAMN (Mori tickethouse peovits!).
And again Sooorrryyyy SAmmiiiiii!! :)
sapator said:
Crusader , oooppsss! Well Sammi was toshing me but i didn't know she was a lady! Sooorrryyyy SAmmiiiiii!! :)
And again Sooorrryyyy SAmmiiiiii!! :)
No problem, Sapator - I wasn't toshing you (whatever that means!), but apology accepted anyway! By the way, I'm no "lady"!! :lol: Thought I'd say that before Paxoman said it! :grin:
Lionheart cranks!
Dio's "Killing the Dragon" was in my CD player for all of 2004 until
Lionheart replaced it. Let's face it... I'm 37. My kids are 4 and 2.
The only time I have to really BLAST music is when I'm alone in my car or home alone. Those moments are precious. Driving into my company's parking lot turns a few heads. Being home and carwashing in my driveway or chopping firewood with the CD player cranking pisses off my neighbors. Too bad, I hire their daughers to babysit. I look forward to a new Saxon album every few years. They just keep getting better. PLEASE COME TO USA AGAIN!
New Jersey Metalfest drew 1,000+ you can do it again!
(the next night at Wantagh drew 50 but complain to the promoters...)
I really hope that Lionheart isent saxons last studio album, A lot of bands seem to go down hill with age, but saxon for me are the opposite and have got better with age, Lionheart for me is saxons best album to date and even though lionheart is a fantastic album almost full of great songs and not just 2 or 3 songs i still think that saxon have got a lot more to offer as in new studio albums, I said this on a few messages on this board in the past and that is that saxon hopefully should give us fans a 30 year career not just for us fans but for themselves as well or in other words at least another 2 studio albums that would be brilliant and i dont think thats a lot to ask just look at the likes of say judas priest, ac/dc, motorhead still going strong the list goes on and on, so the question is why should saxon nock it on the head now.

Like biffs says theres no other band that really sounds like saxon at the moment and i have to agree with him on this one, i no there are a lot of good bands out there but saxon have that something special that no other band has got and that goes for there new material and there live work as well. To lose saxon now after lionheart would be a great losse you only have to listen to lionheart alone to reliese this not to mention unleash the beast etc,etc,

you no even if they cut down a bit on the lengths of there tours but gave us like a say another 2 studio albums at least that would be great.


Put it this way if i was a member of saxon, I WISH id be looking at what i had and you guys have the best job in the world, just look at how many people there are out there wanting to do what you are doing but cant for what ever reason.