? about old Entombed

I personally like Clandestine better than Left Hand Path. It might be a bit more melodic on the whole (or at least, most riffs are catchier), but it's still just old school dm. I think that the songs might be better written, as well.
Well, to the contrary of everyone else in this thread, I far prefer LHP. Clandestine just isn't as catchy, or have such a pervasive atmosphere as the predecessing opus.
wolf said:
From what I heard from Left Hand Path I like. Is Clandestine anywhere as solid?
The two of my favorite albums by Entombed. Clandestine is definitely worth owning. See if you can find the version w/ the bonus tracks, it has a song called "Dusk". But even if you can't, FUCKING GET CLANDESTINE!!!
Satanstoenail said:
I need to check out some of their stuff after that when they brought in the rock element, does anyone know which is the best of those albums? I heard Wolverine Blues is good.