About Opeth's concept albums :).


. . . orchid . . .
Jun 22, 2006
Opeth have releashed 8 albums. And how many of them are the concept albums? Which are not? Plz help me. Thx alot :kickass: :heh: :kickass:
Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries are concept albums about how much they hate stupid fans that think every album they make is a concept album.
This thread is getting sillier by the post... so I'll contribute:)

Opeth's My Arms, Your Hearse and Still Life are both concept albums. For the stories, look on the FAQ. Ghost Reveries was originally intended to be a concept album, but Mike wrote Isolation Years and that screwed the concept. Again, all on the FAQ.
Concerning Ghost Reveries, it was concepted as being a Concept album but with the contribution of Isolation Years, the concept could be conceived as being contrived containing the content. Got it?
Opethian666 said:
How dare you disrupt the flow of silliness of this thread? :erk:

I'm so sorry... I hope this helps contribute towards this threads already sterling silliness:

I think the problem is defining what a concept album is. SL and MAYH are both almost beyond concept, because their is plot development. Ghost Reveries I would call a concept, because it's a collection of works that share a common particular theme. Compared to an album like Deliverence, it much more conceptual.
Only joking mate... just a lighthearted stab. I think you're right though... I always think of a concept album being a story, though I know it's any album where all the songs contribute towards a common theme as well.