Next Opeth's Concept? Brickwall?


Apr 5, 2003
Hey, I was just wondering what you think the next concept album would be about, if they did one... or at least what the lyrical context would be on upcoming albums, say if they don't do a full concept. They've done a lot of stuff and I can't imagine where they could go from here, unless they do more of the same.. "but Opeth has always been about dynamics.."
i have found that there is a story behind several of opeth's albums not just still life, deliverence and damnation have a story behind them. and opeth have changed alot since previous albums, they have changed ridiculously since morningrise/orchid so whos to say why they cant become even more original. (if thats possible)
Judging from the direction they have taken, the next album will be a concept about Popo the Clown and his three-legged pony Charles. Probable song titles:

1 Twisted Trapeze of Death
2 The Growling of the Lions
3 Behind the Travesty
4 The Circus Corner
5 Bozo of the Fall
6 To rid the crippled pony
7 Isolation in prison (for animal cruelty)

BTW Oinkness, good job creating another useless thread...
i never think they'd do anything like that ... it doesnt seem to be their style taking real life events etc .. Maybe some twisted reworkings of storys ..
wow, another really interesting thread oinkness!!!!

Cursed Warrior: "Plus, 9/11 was funny" - :| you seriously can't say things like that man, joking or not. (and no, im not american)
'Atleast my thread had some serious conversation, it's the "forum monkeys" like :Wreath: who come in and fuck everything up... are you from Poland by any chance?'

Forum monkey? How nice :D Well better that than 'master of useless threads' (I could name it worse but I'm kind of in a good mood today so I'm not going to be harsh with you ;) ) Before you make another thread try to think about the following:

1 What is it for?
2 Can we really say anything productive here? (seriously man, if you want to guess what will the lyrics be for the next album, you're just about fucked up like Hamster Man because I recon not even Mike knows that yet...)
3 What is a 'forum monkey'?
4 Did you by chance have lobotomy when you were a child?

And I don't know where you got the impression I'm from Poland...