About to go on my first tour


Oct 29, 2009
Milton Keynes
About to go on my first tour in Europe for a week going through Belgium, Germany and France.

I know plenty of you guys are in touring bands so what would guys reccomend bringing that's I might have missed. Apart from the obvious like clothes and gear etc, so far I've got:

  • Laptop and headphones to keep my sane in the van
  • UK to Europe plug adapters
  • Spare strings, 9 volts and wire cutters
  • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Anti-perspirant, towels, shampoo, vitamins
  • Pain killers

Any general advice and tips for saving money, getting by in Europe etc?
I often hear [forgot the name]the thing they give to babies when they shit their diapers bad time.
When hungover, it'll rehydrate you, plus no one wants to shit his's pants through Germany and France
Peanut butter and crackers for when you have run out of money and can't afford to eat anything else.

A cooler full of Red Bull, water, and Gatorade is handy if you have the room.

Spare trailer tires.

Extra money for unexpected tolls.

Sex doll w/ hard drive full of pornography.

Written list of any emergency contacts in case cell phones die.

Extra toilet paper.

Shovel for burying any dead hookers.
Dude seriously bring some sort of shower shoes/flop flops and athletes foot spray. use that shit the whole tour every day and spray the shoes too. after the tour's done toss the shoes. can be like 20 something people taking showers one after another, don't want to catch someones shit. when you see someone catch it and you don't, you'll be glad you spent the $10;-)

have fun bro!
-diahorrea medcine/ only drink bottled water!
-some bottom dvds
-take febreeze and unpack half the clothes you just had
-buy some cheap pants(underwear for usa) from primark or something then just throw them away as you go - you dont want to be carrying used stuff around!
whats the name of your band and where are you playing in germany.
Maybe i come around if you play near hamburg.

pack your back with:
lots of relaxed clothes.
some places you will crash after the show for sleeping will be colder then outside.

get the money in the eu at a bank station. dont change money because you will loose a lot.
you will get mostly everything in germany you have in england so no problems.
relaxed music
Same question as gabriel g. but for France, I would like to go if it is near from me !
And what about a toothbrush ? :D
Was also going to ask what band are you in?

My mate is filling in for a band as their drummer broke his ankle or something. They're going round Europe for a week or so
Make sure you don't take TOO MUCH stuff. I generally only travel with a backpack. If I can't get it in there, then it doesn't go. For a week, I would guess you only need about one change of clothes if your not picky. I am always glad I keep my multitool and flashlight nearby.