Absolute proof U.S. fans got sheisted and ripped-off (set list)...

Quit your bitching. Alot of countries get a SHITLOAD of better tours than us! I've been maybe 20 percent of the bands I like in concert. And thats only because they wont come here.
Iced In Flames said:
Quit your bitching. Alot of countries get a SHITLOAD of better tours than us! I've been maybe 20 percent of the bands I like in concert. And thats only because they wont come here.

Not sure if you were referring to me there, but 2 tours to Australia in the last 17 years gives us something to bitch about, in the context of someone complaining about a fucking song being dropped!!
So, most of you people didn't even grasp the concept.

I'm being told to stop my bitching. Why don't you take this into CONTEXT.

Maiden is on tour anyway in North America. Does it seem fair that Canada gets an extra song, just cause?!

That's like Maiden doing a mini-tour of Europe, playing Ireland & England for a perfect example. Let's say all your UK shows get 15 songs. The Ireland show gets 20. Why, am I gonna tell you to stop your bitching? NO WAY! It's the same fucking thing.
Ok, lets say Maiden play 60 gigs in Canada yet they play 2 in the US. And they throw in HCW for the two US gigs. You would still bitch because of that one song if you were Canadian wouldnt you? Understand what I'm trying to say?
Why cant Maiden just have the same set list in all their gigs????

The excuse of having 2 opening bands and curfew laws dont fly with me. Frankly I could do without Motorhead and Dio and have Maiden play longer.