AC/DC Plug Me In

Last live footage I saw his voice was pretty shot. I believe Acca Dacca havent actually played in Aust. since 2001.
Living in Australia I've seen so many bloody AC/DC clips, hours at a time and often week after week, many years ago on our local music tv station - they probably still do it... That really killed it for me for a long time but I've recently found some more love for Acca Dacca. I bet its a great watch for those who havent had similar exposure.

Dude, the Windsor/Detroit area isn't probably as bad as Australia (Canada is the same way with Nickelback), but they do play ACDC to death on the radio. I respect their music a whole lot, but after so many repeated playings of the same 10 or so songs, it gets old.
Dude, the Windsor/Detroit area isn't probably as bad as Australia (Canada is the same way with Nickelback), but they do play ACDC to death on the radio. I respect their music a whole lot, but after so many repeated playings of the same 10 or so songs, it gets old.

;)Yep, thats why I dont have much Acca Dacca in my CD collection anymore. :heh: that and my fascination with things far more heavier.