accidental Earforce Goodness/Sneak Preview of Alestorm's Rhythm Guitar Sound

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just recording guits for Alestorm....using my Earforce for scratch tones, but dayum, it sounds so chunky already (w/o any post processing etc).
this is by no means a final mix or anything (of course not....most of the instruments aren't even recorded yet), but I just wanted to show you the awesomeness that this amp is:

Earforce scratch clip

in your face!>

this thing had my attention from the very first clips you posted.
causes serious gas, i have to say.

is the clean channel that good, too?
the clean channel is fucking awesome, best clean channel in a high gain head ever! (definitely better than VHT Clean, Recto Clean, Krank Clean etc).
actually...I can't think of a better clean channel in any other split channel amp