Ace Frehley


I read this & well, I'm not surprised...

Into The Void... With ACE FREHLEY - Book Reveals The REAL Ace [Riff Notes - 04.10.29 09:13:10] ( have issued the following report, courtesy of

Over the last few months we’ve been mentioning Into The Void... With Ace Frehley a few times before (and already back in early 2002 we mentioned the book in our KISS Kollector magazine), but every time the publication date got pushed back. Until now, as finally Pitbull Publishing in New York (the same publisher who brought us the KISS & Tell books by Gordon Gebert) put out a ‘limited first edition’ of Wendy Moore’s 220 page ‘tell all’ book.

Wendy was friends with Ace (and for a while even one of his girlfriends) for about two years – starting in February of 1998 and ending in March of 2000, around the time of the KISS Farewell Tour. If you’re only into the music and/or image of KISS/Ace and don’t wish to discover the man behind the rock star, this book is not your cup of tea – but if you want to learn about everything and anything that goes on in the professional and especially private life of one of your idols, than this book is a must have! You’ll learn more about Ace Frehley than you ever imagined or wished for.

When she was 28 years Wendy Moore (now 34) ran into Ace Frehley at the Key Club on Sunset Boulevard, where Ace was with Eric Singer (at that time the drummer for Alice Cooper). It was Ace’s first night in LA, as he had been moved out temporary to the West Coast by KISS’ management because the band had to record the album that would become Psycho Circus and later on they would be rehearsing for the Psycho Circus Tour in LA. Ace and Wendy hit it off immediately and she ended up spending the night at Ace’s temporary condo in the Westview Towers in West Hollywood. Wendy ended up hanging out with Ace (who hardly did anything else than lying on bed drinking beer or using drugs with his friends) for a few days and became his cleaning lady. Although Wendy had never done any drugs and hardly drank alcohol, she was easily pursuaded by Ace to do cocaine together with him. Long story short, Wendy as quickly became addicted to cocaine as she became Ace’s Personal Assistant and girlfriend.

The only times Ace would sort of clean up his act was when his daughter Monique, who was living with her mom (who still is Ace’s wife, despite all of his girlfriends) in New York, came over to visit her dad for a few days every once in a while. Ace was doing cocaine and/or pills every day, and never seemed to travel anywhere without his coke. The only ‘secret’ on Ace that Wendy didn’t want to reveal in her book, is how/where he hides his stash of coke while traveling. But other than that, you’ll find a lot of dirt on Ace (and sometimes the rest of KISS, especially Gene) in Into The Void... With Ace Frehley. While reading all the – mostly drug induced – stories, you might wonder why Wendy Moore wanted to publish these tales from the private life of both Ace and herself, and share with the readers so many details of, for instance, their sex and drug life. On the other hand, if you really want to know everything about Ace Frehley, you probably don’t want to put this book down until you’ve finished reading it from cover to cover. Throughout the book you’ll also find a lot of (black and white) photos of Ace and Wendy – at home, at parties (including Gene’s birthday party in ’98 ), concerts, a KISS photo shoot, in a Las Vegas casino, etc. etc. – which gives you a pretty good idea too of what goes on in the real life of Ace Frehley.

Like the KISS & Tell and KISS & Tell More books, some details of Ace’s private life kind of make you feel embarrassed to be even reading it (like his insecurities in regards to his love life, or worse yet his sex toys), and if not that, then you just can’t help but to think of Ace as a pathetic and sad junkie most of the time. And if you weren’t already feeling for Paul and Gene to had to have been involved with Ace on a professional level, you surely will understand why they don’t want to be working with Ace anymore after reading Into The Void... With Ace Frehley (if you weren’t already convinced of that after reading KISS & Tell, or the books by former KISS bodyguards Andre ‘the Giant’ Augustine and Michael ‘Starman’ Francis). A lot of Ace fans blame Paul and Gene for the fact that the original band isn’t together anymore, but this book is prove (once again!) that it’s impossible to work with Ace for a longer period of time (if for any period of time at all).

Here’s a man in his late 40s (at the time the book was written, now Ace is in his early 50s of course) who can’t function without drugs and spends his days/nights using cocaine, pills and beer, who can’t keep a relationship (neither with his wife nor his girlfriends), who turns his (or a girlfriend’s) house into an incredible mess within only a few days, who never keeps a promise, who never shows up on time, who cheats on (girl)friends or band members, etc. etc.

After a while you start feeling sorry for all the people he cheats on and fucks with, and at the same time you can’t believe how someone like Wendy Moore didn’t wake up earlier instead of hanging on to him for so long during all that shit. She went out of her way to support Ace and run many errants for him, but never ever did he show any appreciation for all she did. In fact, he often gave her a hard time when he couldn’t find his drugs and accused her of stealing it. From a healthy woman, she turned into a skinny, sad junkie who went from a cocaine addiction to a heroine addiction while losing a lot of friends in the process. And Ace of course believed he was hiding his drug abuse for the outside world but always get very nervous when he accidentally ran into Gene or Paul at a rock club where he would always be high on coke or booze.

The book also describes how paranoid both Ace and Wendy became because of all the drugs (this book might be a good educational tool to keep children, or anybody for that matter, staying away from drugs). And in between all the drug related stories, you’ll get a bit of an impression of how things within the KISS organization are functioning as Wendy also joined Ace sometimes when he had to actually ‘work’ with KISS, being it a photo shoot, recording session, tour rehearsal, concert or party. Probably more than any other KISS (related) book, Into The Void... With Ace Frehley shines a light on the inner band relationships. And believe you me, it’s not all gold that glitters in the flashy rock business. You might not agree with Wendy's decision to publish these tabloid like private tales in a book for the entire world to read, but once you've read the book you can only conclude that you know quite a bit more about Ace Frehley (and KISS) than you ever thought you would. And you will definitely understand why Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have such a problem working with their original Spaceman. (As for Wendy Moore, she no longer speaks to Ace but is doing well again after being admitted to a drug-rehab treatment facility thanks to Musician’s Assistance Program, which according to Wendy is an organization supported and partly funded by KISS).
tedvanfrehley said:
I joke about things but it really is a shame that so many of my heroes (EVH, Ace, Ozzy, Motley, etc.) have all been drug addicts.
You are right about that. Why would you do that shit if you had everything you could ever want?! I surely wouldn't be doing dope!!!!!
Who do you think is worse off, from your list?!
I'd have to say Ace, he's much worse off than Vince Neil...
tough at the top huh?
i'd be livin on the buzz just playing the shows he got to play!being a drug addict after you've finished your career i can kind of understand-wanting to achieve the high that you get from playing,but while your there?why bother?i cant imagine any drug better than playing to loads of people.
they're all crazy!
I gotta say Ace is the most far gone...that jagball can hardly stand on his own...then comes Ozzy...hate to say it but few are more burnt out than he. Then I'll put VInce and Edward...Ed's battled cancer and now goes back to smokin'/drinkin'??? Again, I love 'em but what dumbasses.