

"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Just a heads up to everyone here on the board. While I appreciate everyones support and everyone's diverse opinion I also have come to understand this. While we argue back and forth here at the battlezone we have come to acknowledge each other and respect each other to a degree. I know the interview I did with the SOD/MOD fansite was posted on blabbermouth by someone here and it's all cool. However in the future i would respectfuly request we keep our shit to ourselves.
Blabbermouth unfortunately has to many 14 year old douchbags who may find what we have going on here and try to disrupt the harmonious discord that we have come to enjoy at the Battlezone. I appreciate the gesture of sending it to blabbermouth but it fails to be apprceciated there. I will say that there are SOD-MOD fans there that do their best to defend the collective works but, I think it would be prudent to let them argue amongst themselves and we'll do our own thing.,
I agree with Billy. The intentions of the person who sent this to Blabbermouth were probably good. And of course there are people there who are really interested in S.O.D. & M.O.D. and who will like the interview.

1] Blabbermouth never asked me if they could use all these parts from the interview, they just did. They took all these excerpts from an exclusive interview and just put them on their website. I think they should have contacted me or Billy first.
2] If you read the comments that are posted there, it's just not funny. Most of the guys/girls that posted comments seem to be morons that do not get the point of this interview.

I know, my website will get a lot more visitors because of this, but I just hope that these visitors are people that are really interested in S.O.D. and M.O.D. Visitors that appreciate the interview and my website. Visitors that will come back. And not just the ones that posted crap comments on Blabbermouth.
I dont go there often........... basicly because it is the enquirer of the music world. But it is entertaining at for the little nerds who post crap after the articles...................It doesnt matter who they talk about, they talk shit about all of them..................
I've never gotten anything useful from Blabbermouth. I've only been there a couple times but a couple times is enough.

God bless,
My bad Billy...I was the guy who posted the info about the new dvd that is in the works(it was a while back). As far as the new interview being posted on there...That was NOT me. I agree that Blabbermouth is a useless website with nothing but assmunches on there but I thought hey if helps sell a few extra dvd's then it would be worth it but I do see your point and won't post nothing else there...Sorry again
Ahh, I seen what you guys were talking about... That info was definitely NOT me. The shit I posted was right when Billy announced he was coming out with his DVD I just wanted more people to know that his dvd was coming out. While my intentions were good, I didn't think it through...Again it was not me that sent that stuff recetnly posted so please don't think I am the one that got your interview ripped SOD-MOD :erk: